[RSSAC Caucus] Checking whether current RSOs are authoritative for TLDs: nope

Wessels, Duane dwessels at verisign.com
Fri May 1 19:39:50 UTC 2020

> On May 1, 2020, at 12:04 PM, Fred Baker <fredbakersba at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On May 1, 2020, at 9:18 AM, Wessels, Duane via rssac-caucus <rssac-caucus at icann.org> wrote:
>> Thanks Wes.  I unfortunately had a lot of connectivity problems during today's meeting, so I missed some of the discussion towards the end.  I think there was a question about the behavior of j.root-servers.netrelated to this topic?
> OK, The error came from me. A company in Saudi Arabia was asking about having an F instance, and told me that they wanted to have J but it didn't work out. The thing they found attractive was that having a J instance meant they also had service for the other Verisign TLDs. What you're telling me is that they must have *also* gotten a different server instance for those TLDs.

Ah.  Verisign has a thing called Regional Internet Resolution Service (RIRS).  This is a single server that can be sent to qualifying IPSs etc that we then manage.  The RIRS server has multiple VMs, one of which is for j.root-servers.net.  Other VMs will serve other zones on other IP addresses.  



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