[RSSAC Caucus] Local Perspective Work Party: "Underserved" use case text

Ken Renard kdrenard2 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 22 15:15:53 UTC 2020


I have brought over the user narrative concerning RSOs wanting to determine
underserved areas to the current working document.  Along the way, I
overhauled the description, hopefully making it more concise and readable.
I think I have addressed all comments from the Narratives document.  The
new text is included below, but the google document will contain the latest
edits.  I would appreciate any comments or feedback on this topic and look
forward to discussing it with the group at the work party meeting tomorrow


-Ken Renard

While the RSS has relatively good global coverage, RSOs are interested in
deploying additional instances, particularly to areas that are considered
“underserved”.  An underserved area has a reasonably-sized user base that
perceives poor performance of the RSS due to its closest root server
instances being topologically distant, resulting in high latency or low
availability of the service.  This is a subjective designation and it is
not reasonable to expect that a tool could directly measure it.  The metric
described in this section serves only to inform a decision on placing new
root server instances in an underserved area.  A RSO would require multiple
measurements run in diverse geographical locations.

The goal of this metric is to assess performance of the RSS at a
measurement point compared to other measurement points.  A local metric
that is much worse than others would be an indicator of an underserved
area.  Availability and latency are the primary measurements and the impact
of slow links should be discarded.  Since metric is trying to assess the
performance of the RSS versus individual RSIs (Root Server Identities),
only the best NRSI measurements should be used.  The measurements are
direct queries to the individual root servers (versus via a recursive

A set of measurements should be taken at random intervals during a T=30
minute time period.  All RSIs will be directly queried and their latencies
recorded.  Additionally, a normalization factor σ will be measured as the
average latency of direct DNS queries to the first NTLD=20 somehow-chosen
TLDs.  If fewer than NTLD normalization measurements are available, the
entire set of measurements are thrown away.  Availability of an RSI is the
success rate of queries to an RSI over the last 20 measurement periods that
were not thrown away.

The performance metric is the inverse of the average of the best NRSI=3 RSI
latencies, where the availability for each of those RSIs is > p=0.65, divided
by the normalization factor.

Availability of an RSI: percentage of successful responses over the past 20

Normalization factor:  σ = mean latency of NTLD queries

Normalized Latency  = (best NRSI latencies where availability > p) / σ

Performance Metric = 1 / Normalized Latency

If fewer than NRSI latency measurements are available (due to timeouts),
the performance metric should be multiplied by Navail / NRSI, where Navail
is the number of RSIs that have availability > p.

When comparing performance metrics among locations, the last 20 successful
performance metrics should be averaged before comparison.  The bottom P
percentile among a large set of local performance metrics or performance
metrics below a certain threshold (Θ) may be used to inform a determination
of an underserved area.  Determining P or Θ will require further analysis
and will not be defined in this document.
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