[RSSAC Caucus] Rogue Operator Work Party: Source of zone data

Nicolas Antoniello nicolas.antoniello at icann.org
Thu Oct 8 01:22:01 UTC 2020

Wondering if same criteria would apply when getting Root Zone using AXFR for Hyperlocal?


On 10/6/20, 18:32, "rssac-caucus on behalf of P Vixie" <rssac-caucus-bounces at icann.org on behalf of paul at redbarn.org> wrote:

    Renard, Kenneth D CTR USARMY CCDC C5ISR (USA) via rssac-caucus writes:
    > ...
    > The question to the group is: “Would using an intermediate source of root  
    > zone data, by itself, be considered a ROGUE operation?”  Regardless of  
    > who the intermediate is…, regardless of the authenticity of the zone data…
    in my opinion, no. carrier pigeon, /dev/random, hostile nation-state actor,  
    none of that matters. if it's dnssec-authentic using the icann key, then  
    the publication of such data is in-bounds and not-rogue. source, including  
    intermediaries, no longer matters. that's the underlying meaning of dnssec.
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