[RSSAC Caucus] [Ext] Re: Rogue Operator Work Party: Source of zone data

Nicolas Antoniello nicolas.antoniello at icann.org
Thu Oct 8 05:05:16 UTC 2020

Going back to the work party statement I read “This work party will examine scenarios where an RSO, or someone acting as an RSO, serves incorrect zone data”.
Also Scope refers to: “Outline the types of damage that could be done to different resolver configurations.”

Then if someone acting as an RSO serves incorrect zone info to a resolver using Hyperlocal, it may fall into the same issue we are dealing with here... and in that case DNSSEC may not solve it.

So may be it’s worth for the Caucus draft to also consider those scenarios even if we do not like them.

> El oct. 8, 2020, a la(s) 00:48, P Vixie <paul at redbarn.org> escribió:
> Nicolas Antoniello writes:
>> +1
>> Wondering if same criteria would apply when getting Root Zone using AXFR for Hyperlocal?
> hyperlocal is silliness. and off topic for this work party.

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