[RSSAC Caucus] RSSAC Caucus Local Perspective Tool Work Party next call on October 15th

Andrew McConachie andrew.mcconachie at icann.org
Fri Oct 9 14:51:35 UTC 2020

Dear RSSAC Caucus Members,

Myself, Ozan, Abdulkarim and Ken had a call on Monday to discuss the RSSAC Caucus Local Perspective Tool Work Party. We discussed the narratives and agree to merge narratives #5 and #7 in the document, and to delete narrative #6 as it falls within the scope of the Rogue RSO Work Party. I’ve updated the narratives document to suggest these changes.

User Narratives Google Document

Another thing we provisionally decided was that it would be out of scope for the work party to define how data should be collected or stored, or where it should be collected or stored. The document could still specify how information should be presented, or output, by the tool in terms of format. But what should happen with that output is out of scope.

We’ll be discussing these decisions on our next call on October 15th and the agenda has been posted on the work party wiki page.

We’ll also be asking for volunteers to start turning what we have so far into an RSSAC publication.

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