[RSSAC Caucus] Rogue Operator Work Party: what to include for "rogue"

Paul Hoffman paul.hoffman at icann.org
Fri Oct 16 18:20:54 UTC 2020

Greetings again. An issue that came up in the work party call earlier this week was coming up with examples for the guiding principles from RSSAC037. The work party document currently lists only four of the eleven guiding principles from RSSAC037, two of which are easily measurable because they can be seen in responses to DNS queries from anywhere.

A reader of the document would most likely ask "why just these four out of the eleven principles", so I believe we need a good answer. Some possible ways to deal with this are:

- Only choose the principles for which rogueness is easily measured (#2 and #6)

- List all principles and have examples for each

- List a subset of principles, giving examples for each of those, but explain why that subset was chosen

Of those, I somewhat prefer the first because it removes the judgement needed for the other principles. Having said that, I fully agree that all the other principles are important, so maybe the second option is a good choice if we can come up with at least one example of each. The third choice seems the hardest to make clear.


--Paul Hoffman
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