[RSSAC Caucus] Guidelines to acknowledge contributions to RSSAC publications

Ozan Sahin ozan.sahin at icann.org
Thu Aug 26 12:11:17 UTC 2021

Dear RSSAC Caucus members,

RSSAC Admin Committee (RSSAC Chair, Vice Chair, support staff) prepared a brief paper in an effort to clarify which RSSAC Caucus members should be added to the “acknowledgements” section of RSSAC Caucus work party documents. You may find the paper here and attached to this note for your review: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vyIQ2CbYuRIGP1W0v--heaxh8xlWA1xkpDZItIaP9aM/edit?usp=sharing

The paper mentions expected level of attendance to work party meetings and the type of contributions to the work. RSSAC Admin Committee hopes that these guidelines will help work party leaders and support staff in the work party document editing process. Please let RSSAC Admin Committee know if you have any feedback.


Ozan Sahin
Policy Development Support Specialist
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Mobile:             +90 533 641 0007
Skype:              ozan.sahin.icann

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