[RSSAC Caucus] [Ext] [Non-DoD Source] Re: FOR REVIEW: Requirements for Measurements of the Local Perspective on the Root Server System

Steve Crocker steve at shinkuro.com
Fri Aug 27 14:22:46 UTC 2021

Median or percentile, yes.  Mean, no.

On Fri, Aug 27, 2021 at 10:20 AM Warren Kumari <warren at kumari.net> wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 27, 2021 at 4:23 AM Ray Bellis <ray at isc.org> wrote:
>> On 27/08/2021 00:07, Wessels, Duane via rssac-caucus wrote:
>> > I don't agree that additional analysis is needed, nor do I think this
>> > document needs to specify rules or formulas for calculating last mile
>> > latency, at this time.  While those things might be really nice to
>> > have, I don't think we have the collective will to come to agreement
>> > on that in any reasonable amount of time.
>> >
>> > I think it will have to suffice to leave the interpretation of any
>> > reference latency measurements to the party performing the data
>> > analysis.  Since this is all new we don't have to get it right the
>> > first time.  If it turns out to be wrong or useless or
>> > under-specified then we can revise the document after acquiring some
>> > experience.
>> I agree.  My recollection is that we made a conscious decision not to
>> include a methodologuy for extracting a last-mile baseline in this
>> initial version.
> It's also useful as an intuitive / manual check. We can figure out the
> exact [median|mean|n-th percentile] later.
> If the latency to various root servers is around 300ms, and the latency
> from that same network is 250 ms to Cloudflare, 350 ms to GPDNS, 800 ms to
> OpenDNS, and 500 ms to Quad9, then it suggests that that network has other
> issues, and those should be investigated before assuming that a closer root
> server instance would help.
> If the latency to various root servers is around 300ms, and the latency
> from that same network is 2.5 ms to Cloudflare, 3.5 ms to GPDNS, 8.0 ms to
> OpenDNS, and 5.0 ms to Quad9, then it suggests that that network could
> benefit from closer root-server instances, and also that it is likely that
> they can be deployed[0].
> I cannot easily provide a proof of the above[1], but intuitively it seems
> correct,
> W
> [0]: Actually, I suspect that in that case, there are other issues that
> need to be investigated - I find it unlikely that there would be that wide
> a latency spread without some other confounding factors, but I wanted to be
> able to reuse the numbers from above :-)
> [1]: Although I'm sure I could handwave some sort of plausible sounding
> statement about X standard deviations away from the mean of Y measurements
> (after discarding Q outliers) against Z well connected public servers.
>> Ray
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