[RSSAC Caucus] RSSAC Caucus Future Work Items

Andrew McConachie andrew.mcconachie at icann.org
Wed Dec 1 14:41:37 UTC 2021

Dear RSSAC Caucus Members,

The RSSAC Admin Committee held a discussion last week on potential future work items for the RSSAC Caucus to consider. We went over past ideas we have heard from the Caucus, and discussed if any are still outstanding and may warrant a future work party.

One work item that came up was a suggestion from maybe two years ago that the RSSAC Caucus investigate best current practices for hosting root server instances. This work would look at requirements for hosting instances including such things as physical requirements, BGP peering, etc. It would identify requirements common to most RSOs and document best practices in an RSSAC publication. The Admin Committee felt this item is out of scope for the RSSAC Caucus to consider, primarily because this is a consideration for each RSO to make independently. However, the Admin Committee also wanted to give the Caucus a chance to respond in case others disagree.

There are currently no items in the queue for future RSSAC Caucus work parties. If you have an idea for something the RSSAC Caucus should work on please send your suggestion to this list for discussion.

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