[RSSAC Caucus] Request for input on RSSAC047v2: Contents of the Authority section for ./SOA responses

Paul Hoffman paul.hoffman at icann.org
Wed Dec 1 23:25:36 UTC 2021

Greetings again. In RSSAC047, Section 5.3 covers the different types of queries that might be made for correctness. One type of query is for ./SOA. The document says:
   For positive responses for QNAME = . and QTYPE = SOA, a correct result requires all of the following:
   . . .
   The Authority section contains the signed NS RRset for the root.

Some RSOs (at least B, K, and L) return empty Authority sections for these queries, at least some of the time on some instances, which would make they fail the test.

A proposed change to the text is:
   The Authority section contains the signed NS RRset for the root, or is empty.

Does anyone ojbect to this proposed change?

--Paul Hoffman
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