[RSSAC Caucus] Local Perspective Work Party - data publication

Ken Renard kdrenard2 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 6 15:51:54 UTC 2021

In the last call of the Local Perspective working group, we discussed
the publication of data collected by the tool.  The open issue is how
the user will decide whether to publish their data to a central
repository.  The user of the tool should always have a choice whether
or not to publish, but the consensus was that the data is very useful
if collected to a central repository and that the tool should, at
minimum, encourage publication.

Here are 3 scenarios, solely for the purpose of discussion, on how the
user decides whether or not to publish.

1.  User runs the tool.  Before the tool exits or presents its
results, the user is asked (and encouraged) to publish the data to the
repository.  Users do not see data before the decision to publish is

2.  Tool will automatically publish data to the repository unless the
user runs the tool with a "--do-not-publish" option.

3.  User runs the tool and output is generated.  Users are then asked
(and encouraged) to take an independent action to publish the data
(such as run a publish_data.sh script).  The user may review the data
before executing the action to publish.

I do not think the document should define the exact actions of the
tool to this level.  Rather, I'm hoping these scenarios will foster
discussion to be able to describe our publication strategy

Any thoughts, additional scenarios, etc are welcomed for discussion
here on the Caucus mail list.


-Ken Renard

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