[RSSAC Caucus] [Ext] Local Perspective Work Party - data publication

Wessels, Duane dwessels at verisign.com
Wed Jul 7 15:15:51 UTC 2021

> On Jul 7, 2021, at 6:29 AM, Robert Story <rstory at isi.edu> wrote:
> On Wed 2021-07-07 08:33:06-0400 Ken wrote:
>> I'm thinking of this more at a higher layer: balancing user privacy
>> versus the desire to collect data for analysis. What level of control
>> should the user have on the decision to publish/not publish?  In
>> option #3, publication of the data is almost an after-thought (active
>> opt-in).  It requires the user to do something extra, which they might
>> skip or forget once they see their results.  Option #2 means the user
>> has to actively do something to NOT publish (active opt-out).
> Why not choose the best (worst?) of both worlds? Don't have a default,
> and require that either --opt-in or --opt-out be specified on the
> command line or in a config file. Or default to opt-in, but prompt user
> for confirmation if no config file or argument specifies a default.

I'm inclined to agree with Robert.  There should not be a default.  Each user should
be required to choose whether or not to share the results, at least the first time
it is run.

I also feel strongly that the data repository should require something like an API
key to submit results.  This is intended to maintain high data quality.  I expect
that how API keys are generated and distributed would be out of scope for our document.


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