[RSSAC Caucus] OARC 35 Workshop, May 6th & 7th, Registration and Call for Contributions now open

Willem Toorop willem at nlnetlabs.nl
Fri Mar 19 14:06:52 UTC 2021

The Program Committee decided to extend the Call for Contributions
until 25 Mar 2021 23:59 UTC (a week from now).

Thank you if you have already submitted a proposal. We still have
capacity to accommodate a few more talks. Please, do not hesitate and
send in your suggestions.

The upcoming milestones are:

* 25 Mar 2021 - Deadline for submission (23:59 UTC)
* 25 Mar 2021 - Initial Contribution list published
* 08 Apr 2021 - Full agenda published
* 22 Apr 2021 - Deadline for slideset submission and Rehearsal
* 06 May 2021 - OARC 35 Workshop

Willem Toorop, for the DNS-OARC Programme Committee

Op 22-02-2021 om 10:16 schreef Willem Toorop via rssac-caucus:
> OARC 35 will be an online meeting on May 6th & 7th starting at 01:00
> UTC. The Programme Committee is seeking contributions from the community.
> All DNS-related subjects and suggestions for discussion topics are
> welcome. For inspiration, we provide a non-exhaustive list of ideas:
> - Stories of DNS Migrations: Reasoning for DNS software migration.
>   Tooling used to ensure a smooth and correct process.
> - DNS Intricacies: Chasing down problems and surprising behavior.
> - Garbage Traffic: Analysis on unexpected traffic seen by authoritative
>   and recursive servers.
> - DITL: Day In The Life of various roles and teams in DNS.
> As it is an online workshop, we'd like to encourage brevity;
> presentations should not be longer than 20 minutes (with additional time
> for questions).
> **Workshop Milestones:**
> * 04 Feb 2021 - Submissions open via Indico
> * 18 Mar 2021 - Deadline for submission (23:59 UTC)
> * 25 Mar 2021 - Initial Contribution list published
> * 08 Apr 2021 - Full agenda published
> * 22 Apr 2021 - Deadline for slideset submission and Rehearsal
> * 06 May 2021 - OARC 35 Workshop
> The Registration page and details for presentation submission are
> published at:
>     <https://www.dns-oarc.net/oarc35>
> DNS-OARC provides registration fee waivers for the workshop to support
> those who are part of underrepresented group at DNS-OARC. See the
> registration page for details.
> To allow the Programme Committee to make objective assessments of
> submissions, so as to ensure the quality of the workshop, submissions
> SHOULD include slides. Draft slides are acceptable on submission.
> Additional information for speakers of OARC 35:
>   * your talk will be broadcast live and recorded for future reference
>   * your presentation slides will be available for delegates and others
>     to download and refer to, before, during and after the meeting
>   * you will be expected to attend a rehearsal on April 22nd. It would
>     be very useful to have your slides (even if draft) ready for this.
> If you have questions or concerns you can contact the Programme Committee:
>     https://www.dns-oarc.net/oarc/programme
> via <submissions at dns-oarc.net>
> Willem Toorop, for the DNS-OARC Programme Committee
> OARC depends on sponsorship to fund its workshops and associated social
> events.  Please contact <sponsor at dns-oarc.net> if your organization is
> interested in becoming a sponsor.
> (Please note that OARC is run on a non-profit basis, and is not in a
> position to reimburse expenses or time for speakers at its meetings.)
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