[RSSAC Caucus] Call for Volunteers | 2022 RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee

Ozan Sahin ozan.sahin at icann.org
Thu Nov 18 17:47:09 UTC 2021

Dear RSSAC Caucus Members,

Per the RSSAC Annual Work Plan <https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/rssac-work-plan-23dec20-en.pdf>, RSSAC will be appointing members to 2022 RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee.

If you are interested in serving as a member of the 2022 RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee please email ozan.sahin at icann.org<mailto:ozan.sahin at icann.org> by the end of business in your time zone on Monday, 29 November 2021. The term is one year. You may see the relevant sections from “RSSAC000v6: RSSAC Operational Procedures” <https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/rssac-000-op-procedures-05oct21-en.pdf> below for your reference. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have.


2.3.RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee

2.3.1. Purpose
The purpose of the RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee is to ensure that the RSSAC Caucus has a high-functioning and healthy body of subject matter technical experts in DNS root name service. The RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee will consider all seriously motivated offers to participate in the RSSAC Caucus. The RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee will also make recommendations to the RSSAC for certain appointments. At the request of the RSSAC, the RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee may consider members of the RSSAC Caucus for appointment to outgoing liaison roles, Specific Review Teams, and other groups determined in the ICANN Bylaws or convened by the ICANN community as appropriate. The RSSAC will then take appropriate action on the recommendations of the RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee.

2.3.2. Composition and Terms
The RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee consists of four individuals, at least one of whom is a member of the RSSAC. The RSSAC Vice Chair serves as an ex officio member of the RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee as well. The RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee is appointed by the RSSAC. Each member of the RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee serves a term of one year.

2.3.3. Chair
The RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee will select one of its members to serve as the RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee Chair. The RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee Chair will ensure that:
• Meetings occur according to the committee charter;
• Meetings have appropriate agendas;
• Minutes of the RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee meetings are compiled and maintained; and
• The RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee reports its work regularly to the RSSAC.

2.3.4. Meetings
Meetings will be scheduled as needed based on the work that should be handled by the RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee.

2.3.5. Duties
The RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee will:
• Solicit RSSAC Caucus membership interest from a broad community of experts;
• Forward to the RSSAC names of recommended RSSAC Caucus members for appointment;
• Manage the on-boarding and off-boarding of RSSAC Caucus members;
• Collect public statements of interest from RSSAC Caucus members and work with the support staff to publish them; and
• Regularly check if RSSAC Caucus members are still active and interested in RSSAC Caucus work and report back to the RSSAC.
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