[RSSAC Caucus] [Ext] List of Research Papers about the RSS, was Possible new work for the Caucus

Fred Baker fredbaker.ietf at gmail.com
Tue Nov 8 19:16:54 UTC 2022

My two yen, FWIW...

I think a machine-readable submission format makes the most sense. From that, we can turn it into whatever we want. Similarly, I would suggest a searchable database, which would allow a researcher to say "please show me all research relevant to my topic".

> On Nov 7, 2022, at 3:33 AM, Wes Hardaker <hardaker at isi.edu> wrote:
> I disagree that we need to discuss this first. Given the excellent contribution from Baojun, and given that other people in the caucus (like you!) likely have additions, I think it is good to understand how big the total list would be. Converting the GDoc page into a starting document/database/website, and determining how to update that eventual place, can be done just as well later as now, but at least we'll know more about the size of what we are dealing with.
> Well, the reason I was actually asking is that if I put everything in a word document that is not in machine readable format I disagree with your conclusion that "converting the GDoc page into [something in the future] [...] can be done just as well now as later". 
> Note: in no way was I trying to diminish the excellent results of Baojun; apologies if someone mistook my statements as doing so.
> -- 
> Wes Hardaker
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