[RSSAC Caucus] [Ext] List of Research Papers about the RSS, was Possible new work for the Caucus

Paul Hoffman paul.hoffman at icann.org
Wed Nov 16 19:16:09 UTC 2022

On Nov 16, 2022, at 8:51 AM, Andrew McConachie <andrew.mcconachie at icann.org> wrote:
> Thanks very much for creating this list. I’m happy to see so much interest in this topic on the list.
> My main concern continues to be maintenance of the list long term. I’ve read the suggestions on the list and I would like to throw one more into the mix. I believe using a dedicated application for managing large collections of academic publications would be best. 
> Are people familiar with Zotero?
> <https://www.zotero.org/>
> The client is open source and the non-profit behind it makes money selling cloud storage for users of the client.
> I’ve used it for creating bibliographies and for organizing large numbers of academic articles in the past. What I have not used it for is for sharing those articles with others. I’ve only used the open source client without purchasing cloud storage. I’ll do some more investigation into how the cloud offering works.
> We still need to work out a number of the details around this, such as who has write access to the list of publications, how read access should be managed, and what criteria to use for inclusion. I think we’re still in the early discuss phase, and it’s good to see so much discussion on the list.

Using Zotero (or a similar tool) seems like a really good idea. If the Caucus agrees on this, some of us could volunteer to move the current data from Baojun into the tool, and add from there.

As for the write access, as long as there is a history mechanism and roll-back capabilities, I would think that everyone could safely have write access.

--Paul Hoffman

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