[RSSAC Caucus] List of Research Papers about the RSS, was Possible new work for the Caucus

Andrew McConachie andrew.mcconachie at icann.org
Thu Oct 13 14:50:30 UTC 2022

Dear RSSAC Caucus,

The RSSAC held their monthly meeting Tuesday and discussed the possibility of the Caucus hosting a list of research papers about the RSS. I took an action item to write this mail to the Caucus to continue the discussion and provide some feedback from the RSSAC.

Any list that the Caucus maintains will likely be incomplete and can never be authoritative. There will always be papers that we don’t know about and the list will certainly grow over time. So while it’s an interesting idea, we may be biting off more that we can chew. We expect the list to start with a large number of papers (maybe 50-100?) and will grow significantly over time. [I recently helped create a similar list on routing security for the SSAC’s publication SAC121, and that list has a little over 100 entries, I suspect this list will start with a similar amount.]  At that point it’s no longer a simple list, but rather a list of lists that must be broken up into categories. The management of this list would certainly require a considerable labor investment.

It would be best if the people who want this list are therefore the ones who curate it. We can develop guidelines for curation, but the actual work should be handled by those who want to volunteer for creating and maintaining the list.

A good first step would be for a Caucus member to curate a list themselves of the kind of papers they would like to see and share it. Maybe someone reading this already has such a list.

Finally, assuming the RSSAC Caucus takes this work on and we develop guidelines for curation, are there any volunteers who are interested in managing this list of papers?



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