[RSSAC Caucus] [URL Verdict: Neutral][Non-DoD Source] Suggested change to RSSAC001v2: publish -> share.

Renard, Kenneth D CTR USARMY DEVCOM ARL (USA) kenneth.d.renard.ctr at army.mil
Fri Apr 7 18:32:01 UTC 2023

I support this change.  This would also leave bullet #2 in section 4 as ‘overcome-by-events’.   For reference, ARL (h-root) currently answers this question in a very vague way, only mentioning which resolver package we use and OS/software choices that “…follow best practices for secure systems”.

I would also be agreeable to the *RSS* publishing an aggregate of OS, resolver software, etc (see list from section 3.6) from all RSOs.  This was mentioned on the call yesterday.  The mechanics of that aggregation/publication might fall to root-ops or RSS GS and probably does not belong in this document.


From: rssac-caucus <rssac-caucus-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Lars-Johan Liman <liman at netnod.se>
Date: Friday, April 7, 2023 at 4:52 AM
To: RSSAC Caucus <rssac-caucus at icann.org>
Subject: [URL Verdict: Neutral][Non-DoD Source] [RSSAC Caucus] Suggested change to RSSAC001v2: publish -> share.

Late to the game, as always (sorry!), I've found a passage in RSSAC001v2
which I thought the WP already had handled, as it was discussed prior to
establishing the WP. To me it's a reminiscence from the past that has
turned into a warning light. It's the text about "to publish ...
implementation details".

While that might have been acceptable for systems in the role of
critical infrastructure on the Internet 20 years ago, I would strongly
argue that that is no longer the case. With the constant onslaught of
attacks that we see on today's internet, divulging implementation
details publically must be seen as rather bad advice. Security is
paramount for the root server system and all other critical
infrastructure systems.

That said, diversity within the RSS is an important property of the
system, and at least the RSOs must be able to collaborate around
implementations to ensure some degree of diversity.

Therefore I suggest changing the text of [E.3.6-A] to read as follows:


    [E.3.6-A] Each RSO is expected to publish documentation that
    describes key implementation choices to allow interested members of
    the Internet community to assess the diversity of implementation
    choices across the RSS as a whole.


    [E.3.6-A] In order to facilitate diversity within the RSS, each RSO
    is expected to share, under non-disclosure agreement, with the other
    RSOs, details that describe key implementation choices.

The explanatory text underneath still works, I believe.

Note that the suggested text in no way prevents an RSO from sharing
implementation details regarding its own installation with anyone it
sees fit, but and RSO is expected to share such details with _at_least_
the other RSOs.

                                Best regards,

# Lars-Johan Liman, M.Sc.               !  E-mail: liman at netnod.se
# Senior Systems Specialist             !  Tel: +46 8 - 562 860 12
# Netnod AB, Stockholm                  !  http://www.netnod.se/
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