[RSSAC Caucus] RSSAC001v2 3.4 Service Capacity suggested changes

Robert Story rstory at ant.isi.edu
Mon Apr 10 16:50:15 UTC 2023

On the last call I offered to tweak E.3.4-A requirement and text to
be more generic. Overview below, with changes in brackets (eg [NEW
text /OLD text] or just [NEW text] for insertions.

3.4	Service Capacity
[E.3.4-A] Each RSO is expected to make all reasonable efforts to ensure
that sufficient capacity exists in their deployed infrastructure to
allow for substantial [fluctuations in traffic loads / flash
crowds or denial of service (DoS) attacks.]

[Some/Such] events [(such as software bugs, flash crowds, denial of
service or other attacks)] might present a significantly greater
[traffic/query] load than the observed steady state, and that abnormal
load should be accommodated, where possible and within reason, without
degradation of service to legitimate DNS clients.

Robert Story 
USC Information Sciences Institute <http://www.isi.edu/>
Networking and Cybersecurity Division

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