[RSSAC Caucus] [Ext] Re: RSSAC Caucus Travel Support for IETF 116 Yokohama, Japan

Alejandro Acosta alejandro at lacnic.net
Wed Apr 26 16:01:06 UTC 2023


   For all interested, there is an on-going talk/thread about RFC 
3797bis in the general IETF mailing list.



On 14/1/23 1:11 AM, Harish Chowdhary wrote:
> Dear Andrew,
> As I went through RFC 3797 several times, I understood the following. 
> Please correct me if I am wrong.
> There are a few potential disadvantages of using a Publicly Verifiable 
> Nominations Committee (NomCom) Random Selection process, such as the 
> one outlined in RFC 3797. Some of these include:
> Complexity: The process outlined in the RFC is quite complex and may 
> be difficult for some people to understand or implement.
> Time-consuming: The process of selecting nominees through random 
> selection can be time-consuming, especially if there are a large 
> number of potential nominees.
> *_Limited pool of nominees: The random selection process may not yield 
> a diverse group of nominees, as it is based on chance rather than a 
> deliberate effort to seek out candidates from underrepresented groups._*
> That is what I had highlighted.
> Lack of accountability: Because the selection process is random, there 
> is no way to hold individuals or groups accountable for the nominees 
> that are chosen.
> Limited transparency: It can be difficult for members of the community 
> to understand or verify the selection process, as it relies on complex 
> mathematical algorithms and cryptographic techniques.
> Exclusion of certain people: Some individuals may be excluded from the 
> selection process if they are not able to provide the necessary 
> information or meet the requirements outlined in the RFC, which can be 
> a limitation.
> Any suggestions?
> Harish Chowdhary
> On Fri, 13 Jan, 2023, 9:28 pm Andrew McConachie, 
> <andrew.mcconachie at icann.org> wrote:
>     Dear Harish,
>     RFC 3797 is publicly verifiable. You can run the algorithm
>     yourself with the information provided in Steve’s earlier email
>     and verify the results yourself. If you are interested in past
>     results the archives of this mailing list are available
>     at: <https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/rssac-caucus/>
>     RFC 3797 is string agnostic. Each choice in the lottery is
>     assigned an index and that index is the value the algorithm uses.
>     Thus, these questions you have about how a name’s ordering may
>     impact results are inconsequential.
>     The sources of randomness are identified before the lottery
>     determines the winner. But the random numbers generated by
>     these sources cannot be known at the time each potential choice is
>     assigned an index. Because of this, there is no way anyone can
>     pre-determine an outcome by assigning specific indices to specific
>     persons. Because at the time of index assignment no one can know
>     which indices will be chosen.
>     I hope this information helps and if you have further questions
>     about how RFC 3797 functions, feel free to reach out. I’m
>     certainly not an expert, but I have read it a few times.
>     Thanks,
>     Andrew
>>     On 11 Jan 2023, at 15:12, Harish Chowdhary
>>     <intern3tgovernance at gmail.com> wrote:
>>     Dear Steve,
>>     Thank you very much for your response.
>>     *Please provide the following information to help us understand
>>     the process and fill any gaps in our knowledge.*
>>      1. Please tell us what the results of the RSSAC CAUCUS IETF
>>         travel support have been since the program's inception, as
>>         well as why these rules were created, so we can determine
>>         whether this is a new process or a replacement for an old one.
>>      2. Also, please provide the results for the following
>>         combinations so that we can see how the algorithm works when
>>         it selects the person with the one name from the following
>>         options:
>>       * FirstName LastName (Harish Chowdhary)
>>       * LastName FirstName (Chowdhary Harish)
>>       * Only the first name is used. (Harish)
>>     Multiple places state that guidelines are only for reference and
>>     are not binding. Here due to the limited pool of applicants who
>>     are applying; in most cases, the result would be the same/similar.
>>     _*Non availability of the requested data would conclude the
>>     results are not valid.*_
>>     I remember a very important discussion was started at IETF 100 in
>>     order to incorporate human perspectives into standards and
>>     protocols such as the RFC discussed here; it may not have any
>>     issues, but the implementation may have relied on similar inputs
>>     from a very small input domain.
>>     Most importantly, because only a small number of experts are
>>     participating, the lottery system should not preclude active
>>     participation.
>>     _*The goal is to treat everyone as a person, not just a number in
>>     a lottery.*_
>>     Thanks,
>>     Harish Chowdhary
>>     On Thu, Jan 5, 2023 at 8:39 PM Steve Sheng
>>     <steve.sheng at icann.org> wrote:
>>         Hi Harish,
>>           Thanks for your email. I see two questions and let me
>>         respond to them separately.
>>         *Regarding your concern that the random selection always
>>         select the alpha A first,*  I have double-checked the result
>>         using two implementations of RFC 3797 and both yields the
>>         same responses. I have also checked and confirmed that the
>>         randomness we use follows the guidelines laid out in section
>>         3 of RFC3797. Based on these, I concluded that we have
>>         followed RFC 3797. I have also checked with other communities
>>         that use RFC3797 and did not find evidence that it always
>>         selects the alpha A first. Based on these, and unless proven
>>         otherwise, I conclude the selection is valid.
>>         *  Regarding your question “**I hope travel support should be
>>         even and given to member who never received it and based upon
>>         some rationale rather than a lottery,”*this selection has
>>         been done as outlined in the IETF Supported Travelers Funding
>>         Guidelines attached. The guidelines do not preclude an RSSAC
>>         Caucus member from being considered for travel support even
>>         if they received travel support in the past.
>>         I hope this helps. Let me know if you have more questions.
>>         Best
>>         Steve
>>         *From: *Harish Chowdhary <intern3tgovernance at gmail.com>
>>         *Date: *Wednesday, January 4, 2023 at 12:33 PM
>>         *To: *Steve Sheng <steve.sheng at icann.org>
>>         *Cc: *Ozan Sahin <ozan.sahin at icann.org>, RSSAC Caucus
>>         <rssac-caucus at icann.org>
>>         *Subject: *[Ext] Re: [RSSAC Caucus] RSSAC Caucus Travel
>>         Support for IETF 116 Yokohama, Japan
>>         Dear All,
>>         Please see results of IETF 104.
>>         Results
>>         Key String:
>>         4. Daniel Migault
>>         6. Anand Raje
>>         11. Amir Qayyum
>>         10. Alejandro Acosta
>>         1. Robert Story
>>         5. Ihtisham Khalid
>>         9. Dr AbdulkarIm Oloyede
>>         2. Ramanou BIAOU
>>         12. MOHIT BATRA
>>         3. George Russell Mundy
>>         14. Anupam Agrawal
>>         8. Shailesh Gupta
>>         13. Rao Naveed Bin Rais
>>         7. Harish Chowdhary
>>         The funded travelers are:  Daniel Migault, Anand Raje, Amir
>>         Qayyum and Alejandro Acosta
>>         Any suggestions please.
>>         I hope travel support should be even and given to memeber who
>>         never recieved it and based upon some rationale rather than a
>>         lottery.
>>         Thanks,
>>         Harish Chowdhary
>>         On Wed, 4 Jan, 2023, 9:32 pm Steve Sheng,
>>         <steve.sheng at icann.org> wrote:
>>             Dear RSSAC Caucus,
>>             Please see the result of the random selection.
>>             Source of Randomness:
>>             #1 Euro Millions Tuesday 3 January 2023: 3 10 20 21 29 45 46
>>             (https://www.euro-jackpot.net/en/euromillions
>>             [euro-jackpot.net]
>>             <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.euro-jackpot.net/en/euromillions__;!!PtGJab4!9mDotgBboJAnmpYunDz_PyhwSc5vp7UkbR5rj3jEzITkbbyI9bTrf0zD_7nuCL1rcOWWkBvVrH_8r533xO71vXF9h46eJkTjdSc$>)
>>             #2 US Lucky for Life Tuesday 3 January 2023: 1 14 24 34 45 47
>>             (https://www.luckyforlife.us/winning-numbers/
>>             [luckyforlife.us]
>>             <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.luckyforlife.us/winning-numbers/__;!!PtGJab4!9mDotgBboJAnmpYunDz_PyhwSc5vp7UkbR5rj3jEzITkbbyI9bTrf0zD_7nuCL1rcOWWkBvVrH_8r533xO71vXF9h46e0J7GmJw$>)
>>             #3 NASDAQ closing index (rounded to the nearest integer)
>>             on Tuesday 3 January 2023: 10387
>>             (https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/index/comp
>>             [nasdaq.com]
>>             <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/index/comp__;!!PtGJab4!9mDotgBboJAnmpYunDz_PyhwSc5vp7UkbR5rj3jEzITkbbyI9bTrf0zD_7nuCL1rcOWWkBvVrH_8r533xO71vXF9h46e5NdXnA8$>)
>>             Result:
>>             5. Anand Raje
>>             1. Rao Naveed Bin Rais
>>             3. Hafiz Farooq
>>             2. Harish Chowdhary
>>             4. Mallory Knodel
>>             Thus, Anand Raje and Rao Naveed Bin Rais will receive
>>             funding of IETF 116.
>>             Best
>>             Steve
>>             *From: *Steve Sheng <steve.sheng at icann.org>
>>             *Date: *Tuesday, January 3, 2023 at 9:49 AM
>>             *To: *Ozan Sahin <ozan.sahin at icann.org>,
>>             "rssac-caucus at icann.org" <rssac-caucus at icann.org>
>>             *Subject: *Re: [RSSAC Caucus] RSSAC Caucus Travel Support
>>             for IETF 116 Yokohama, Japan
>>             Dear RSSAC Caucus,
>>               Sorry for the delay in handling this random selection.
>>             Here is a list of RSSAC Caucus members to be entered into
>>             the random selection:
>>              1. Rao Naveed Bin Rais
>>              2. Harish Chowdhary
>>              3. Hafiz Farooq
>>              4. Mallory Knodel
>>              5. Anand Raje
>>               Number of Slots: 2
>>               Source of Randomness:
>>             #1 Euro Millions Tuesday 3 January 2023
>>             (https://www.euro-jackpot.net/en/euromillions
>>             [euro-jackpot.net]
>>             <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.euro-jackpot.net/en/euromillions__;!!PtGJab4!9mDotgBboJAnmpYunDz_PyhwSc5vp7UkbR5rj3jEzITkbbyI9bTrf0zD_7nuCL1rcOWWkBvVrH_8r533xO71vXF9h46eJkTjdSc$>)
>>             #2 US Lucky for Life Tuesday 3 January 2023
>>             (https://www.luckyforlife.us/winning-numbers/
>>             [luckyforlife.us]
>>             <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.luckyforlife.us/winning-numbers/__;!!PtGJab4!9mDotgBboJAnmpYunDz_PyhwSc5vp7UkbR5rj3jEzITkbbyI9bTrf0zD_7nuCL1rcOWWkBvVrH_8r533xO71vXF9h46e0J7GmJw$>)
>>             #3 NASDAQ closing index (rounded to the nearest integer)
>>             on Tuesday 3 January 2023
>>             (https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/index/comp
>>             [nasdaq.com]
>>             <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/index/comp__;!!PtGJab4!9mDotgBboJAnmpYunDz_PyhwSc5vp7UkbR5rj3jEzITkbbyI9bTrf0zD_7nuCL1rcOWWkBvVrH_8r533xO71vXF9h46e5NdXnA8$>)
>>             A Publicly Verifiable Random Selection Process will be
>>             conducted by Staff on Wed 4 January 2023, using the RFC
>>             3797 method. The results (as well as other data) will be
>>             announced to the list on the same day, after which you
>>             can verify the result yourself.
>>             Best regards,
>>             Steve Sheng
>>             *From: *rssac-caucus <rssac-caucus-bounces at icann.org> on
>>             behalf of Ozan Sahin <ozan.sahin at icann.org>
>>             *Date: *Wednesday, December 21, 2022 at 3:37 PM
>>             *To: *"rssac-caucus at icann.org" <rssac-caucus at icann.org>
>>             *Subject: *Re: [RSSAC Caucus] RSSAC Caucus Travel Support
>>             for IETF 116 Yokohama, Japan
>>             Dear RSSAC Caucus Members,
>>             We have received the following requests for travel
>>             support to IETF 116.
>>              1. Rao Naveed Bin Rais
>>              2. Harish Chowdhary
>>              3. Hafiz Farooq
>>              4. Mallory Knodel
>>              5. Abdulkarim Oloyede
>>              6. Anand Raje
>>              7. Dessalegn Yehuala
>>             According to the RSSAC Caucus IETF Supported Travelers
>>             Funding Guidelines, RSSAC Admin Committee is allocating
>>             two trip slots to the following RSSAC Caucus members:
>>               * Abdulkarim Oloyede
>>               * Dessalegn Yehuala
>>             For the remaining two slots, we will do a verifiable
>>             random selection as specified by RFC 3797.
>>             A Publicly Verifiable Random Selection Process will be
>>             conducted by Staff on Thursday 22 December 2022,  using
>>             the RFC 3797 method. The results (as well as other data)
>>             will be announced to the list on the same day, after
>>             which you can verify the result yourself.
>>             Best regards,
>>             Ozan Sahin
>>             *From: *rssac-caucus <rssac-caucus-bounces at icann.org> on
>>             behalf of Ozan Sahin <ozan.sahin at icann.org>
>>             *Date: *23 November 2022 Wednesday 17:12
>>             *To: *"rssac-caucus at icann.org" <rssac-caucus at icann.org>
>>             *Subject: *[RSSAC Caucus] RSSAC Caucus Travel Support for
>>             IETF 116 Yokohama, Japan
>>             Dear RSSAC Caucusmembers,
>>             RSSAC Admin Committee understands that ICANN organization
>>             may be sharing new sponsered travel information and
>>             guidancefor ICANN community to attend non-ICANN events in
>>             the next weeks. As a result, travel support to attend
>>             even-numbered IETF meetings may be available once again.
>>             In order to not miss the relevant notice periods, RSSAC
>>             Admin Committee would like to start the selection process
>>             to identify sponsered RSSAC Caucus members to attend the
>>             next IETF meeting.
>>             IETF 116 will take place in Yokohama, Japanfrom 25- 31
>>             March2023. Pending the travel advice from ICANN
>>             organization, there may betravel support for up to four
>>             (4) RSSAC Caucus Members to attend IETF 116 including
>>             economy class airfare, accommodation, registration, and
>>             per diem.
>>             As you may remember, RSSAC approved guidelines for RSSAC
>>             Caucus members requesting travel support to attend
>>             even-numbered IETF meetingsin 2019. Please see the
>>             approved guidelines attached. Depending on how many
>>             requests we receive, the RSSAC Administrative Committee
>>             may need to make the selection based on the selection
>>             criteria outlined in the guidelines.
>>             If you would like to apply and be considered for travel
>>             support, please complete the following form by *Friday,
>>             **2 December 2022*: https://forms.gle/edQvwjYgVLzbgUSS9
>>             [forms.gle]
>>             <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/edQvwjYgVLzbgUSS9__;!!PtGJab4!9m5qumXaTDkZtDfXDPP-zysIU68gEAg4fuv297qYkNvBGJLC1gDTvKZwpGg4qH_zumtMvOv4m378Srp6FTjbjSqi10w$>
>>             Best,
>>             Ozan Sahin
>>             Policy Development Support Senior Specialist
>>             Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
>>             Mobile:             +90 533 641 0007
>>             Skype: ozan.sahin.icann
>>             www.icann.org <http://www.icann.org/>
>>             _______________________________________________
>>             rssac-caucus mailing list
>>             rssac-caucus at icann.org
>>             https://mm.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/rssac-caucus
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>>             By submitting your personal data, you consent to the
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>>             unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery or disabling
>>             delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.
>>     -- 
>>     *Thanks,
>>     Harish Chowdhary,
>>     Technology Analyst*
>>     www.indiaig.in [indiaig.in]
>>     <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.indiaig.in__;!!PtGJab4!-PuXK2kWCsgVSxGqaET2yan33hhb65BBPADsvDrrsNQUdKvS5DaAOHk2GvmmsfFzcaxWokMeMYG0Iz2EUv71uOUeY4nXVqvJ44f7l9U$>
>>     _______________________________________________
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>>     rssac-caucus at icann.org
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