[RSSAC Caucus] [Ext] Specific proposal for NSID in BCP40

Paul Hoffman paul.hoffman at icann.org
Mon Mar 20 22:50:48 UTC 2023

On Mar 20, 2023, at 2:42 PM, Robert Story <rstory at ant.isi.edu> wrote:
> On Mon 2023-03-20 21:22:59+0000 Paul wrote:
>>> But I also don’t see what RSOs having multiple instances has to do
>>> with the sub-string, and I think you mean root server identity
>>> there instead of RSO?  
>> It would help the person holding the NSID. I can easily imagine two
>> RSOs having the same identifier such as "LAX-1".
> I don't think you're going to get agreement on NSIDs being completely
> unique amongst all RSOs.

If the string starts with the RSI's letter, and the RSO tries to make each instance have a unique identifier, this would make the NSIDs unique among the RSOs.

> And you shouldn't need the identity of the
> RSO in the NSID because you know the RSO you sent the query to...

True. If identifying yourself with your RSI letter is onerous, we can drop the second sentence.

--Paul Hoffman

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