[RSSAC Caucus] [Ext] List of Research Papers about the RSS, was Possible new work for the Caucus

Hafiz Farooq hmfarouq at gmail.com
Sun Mar 26 23:04:27 UTC 2023


Reference the todays' caucus meeting at ietf.

I think we can live with the limitation of no PDF in
cloud group-repository, and start using zotero actively. I don't believe
any tool will provide such a feature due to copyright issues.

- I think we should now start adding more documents to the repository,
including RSSAC related research papers and RFC documents?

- I would prefer organize research documents into different sub collections:
    >> root-servers
    >> general-dns
    >> dnssec
    >> operational-monitoring
    >> new-features
    >> denial-of-service
    >> security-threats

@Andrew McConachie <andrew.mcconachie at icann.org>: can you please add Baojun
to the list of admins. Thanks

Hafiz Farooq

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On Thu, Nov 17, 2022 at 1:18 PM Andrew McConachie <
andrew.mcconachie at icann.org> wrote:

> <https://www.zotero.org/groups/4859802/rssac_caucus/library>
> I made an account and added the first section of Baojun’s Google doc.
> On my first try I used a 40 character password which it permitted and then
> it basically broke the account. I then created another account with only a
> 16 character long password and it worked. So beware of that limitation.
> I created an online group called RSSAC_Caucus and a collection in it
> called rss_research. I am the Owner of this group and I can appoint Admins
> who can then gain write access to the collections. Read permissions are to
> set to Public.
> I used the Firefox Zotero plugin to add the publications. It scrapes the
> metadata from the hosting website (ACM/IEEE, etc) and then create the entry
> to my local client, then my client syncs with the cloud service.
> One limitation is there is no way to store the actual PDF online, likely
> for copyright reasons. But if you download the client you can add the PDF
> in your client and then have full text search through the client.
> I’m curious what people think about this approach. Please play around with
> it and share your opinion.
> Thanks,
> Andrew
> On 17 Nov 2022, at 08:43, Brett Carr <brett at pwei.uk> wrote:
> I haven’t used this before but a cursory glance seems to indicate it looks
> good. If there is some budget for the required storage then it would seem
> sensible to at least put a small amount of documents into it and let
> everyone have some time with it as a POC.
> Brett
> On 16 Nov 2022, at 17:51, Andrew McConachie <andrew.mcconachie at icann.org>
> wrote:
> Hi Baojun and Caucus members,
> Thanks very much for creating this list. I’m happy to see so much interest
> in this topic on the list.
> My main concern continues to be maintenance of the list long term. I’ve
> read the suggestions on the list and I would like to throw one more into
> the mix. I believe using a dedicated application for managing large
> collections of academic publications would be best.
> Are people familiar with Zotero?
> <https://www.zotero.org/ [zotero.org]
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.zotero.org/__;!!PtGJab4!4h4LgbCN4Md3dyxL9cbw1bw_uDZSijXJIrZ1mqGgZ_UWB1-N36AIYzWNJHvu26aeCHxPbm-L4CjKyPhw9JOS0PSEDg$>
> >
> The client is open source and the non-profit behind it makes money selling
> cloud storage for users of the client.
> I’ve used it for creating bibliographies and for organizing large numbers
> of academic articles in the past. What I have not used it for is for
> sharing those articles with others. I’ve only used the open source client
> without purchasing cloud storage. I’ll do some more investigation into how
> the cloud offering works.
> We still need to work out a number of the details around this, such as who
> has write access to the list of publications, how read access should be
> managed, and what criteria to use for inclusion. I think we’re still in the
> early discuss phase, and it’s good to see so much discussion on the list.
> Thanks,
> Andrew
> On 9 Nov 2022, at 12:01, Baojun Liu <bjliu0 at gmail.com> wrote:
> It is my great pleasure to contribute to the RSSAC community.
> And,  if others have other suggestions, please let me know.
> Baojun.
> Tsinghua University.
> Wes Hardaker <hardaker at isi.edu> 于2022年11月9日周三 16:58写道:
>>> For now, to keep the project moving forward, I suggest to take following
>>> actions to improve the proposed document.
>>> First, during the recent research paper collection process (maybe 2
>>> weeks), I encourage the Caucus members to write down as many relevant
>>> research papers as possible.  And I will check the added papers and
>>> categories manually.
>>> In addition, I will also provide a machine-readable format (most likely
>>> a  latex bibliography file) for each research paper in the document.
>>> And in the next step, depending on the number of research papers we
>>> collect, we can discuss how to convert it, a database or a dynamic web page.
>> I think your approach sounds good; thank you Baojun for your work.
>> --
>> Wes Hardaker
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