[RSSAC Caucus] RSSAC001v2 final outstanding item

Wessels, Duane dwessels at verisign.com
Thu May 25 17:23:00 UTC 2023

Hello RSSAC Caucus members,

Today we held an RSSAC001v2 work party meeting, and I’m happy to say that we are close to completing changes to the draft document.

One outstanding point remains in section 3.6, “Diversity of Implementation.”  This expectation was recently changed to state that RSOs should share implementation diversity information internally, and then publish aggregate reports from time-to-time.  You can read the current text in the google document at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fTRTplssJUayL6XD-qAmkGltXOxmeuPe/edit#

The outstanding issue in section 3.6 is whether or not the document should include this sentence:

Further, nothing in this expectation prevents members of the community from asking RSOs to describe their operations, possibly under non-disclosure agreement.

During today’s call some participants felt that this sentence does not add anything to the expectation.  RSSAC documents do not generally talk about actions that they don’t forbid.  Since the document does not specifically forbid members of the community from asking, it is obviously allowed.  Also, the focus of the document is expectations of RSOs, rather than expectations / behavior of other parties, such as “members of the community.” This sentence is somewhat out of place as an expectation of RSOs.

The sentence in question was added during or shortly after our April 4 work party meeting, based on a discussion started by Anupam Agrawal I believe.  Since Anupam was not able to participate in today’s meeting, I would like to give him a chance to respond to the proposal to remove this sentence, or perhaps propose some text that everyone can agree on.

It is my hope that we can resolve this last outstanding issue here on the mailing list and then move the RSSAC001v2 document to the last call process.


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