[RSSAC Caucus] 2023 RSSAC Caucus Member Recognition

Jeff Osborn jeff at isc.org
Fri Jan 19 15:01:34 UTC 2024

Dear RSSAC Caucus members,

RSSAC has decided to recognize Robert Story for his high level of engagement and outstanding contributions to the work of RSSAC Caucus in 2023. In particular, Robert’s contributions to RSSAC001v2 and RSSAC002v5 work parties and his leadership in the Security Incident Reporting work party have gained RSSAC’s appreciation. Thank you for all of your hard work. 

Congratulations, Robert!

As RSSAC Chair, let me take this opportunity to thank all RSSAC Caucus members for their contributions to our work. 


Jeff Osborn

Jeff Osborn
Internet Systems Consortium
PO Box 360
Newmarket, NH 03857

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