[RSSAC Caucus] Draft Agenda | 13 June 2024 RSSAC Monthly Meeting

Ozan Sahin ozan.sahin at icann.org
Thu Jun 6 14:15:30 UTC 2024

Dear RSSAC Caucus members,

Please find the draft agenda below for the next RSSAC monthly meeting to be held on Thursday, 13 June 2024 at 11:45 UTC in Kigali, Rwanda during ICANN80. If you would like to observe the meeting, the remote participation information will be available here 24 hours before the session starts: https://icann80.sched.com/event/1dr6X/rssac-meeting


RSSAC Meeting

ICANN80 | Kigali, Rwanda

Thursday, 13 June 2024 | 11:45-13:00 UTC (13:45-15:00 CAT)

Kigali Convention Center | Room: AD 11

Remote Participation


Draft Agenda (* = Vote)

  1.  Call to Order (Jeff Osborn)
  2.  Roll Call (Jeff Osborn)
  3.  Agenda Review (Jeff Osborn)
  4.  The Internet Governance Forum Support Association (IGFSA) (Chris Mondini, ICANN Managing Director, VP Stakeholder Engagement, Europe)
  5.  Administration
     *   Draft Minutes from 7 May 2024 Meeting* (Ozan Sahin)
     *   RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee Update (Jeff Osborn)

                                          i.    Recommendation of Candidates*:

           *   Arjun Sharma
           *   Caesar Waweru
  1.  Upcoming RSSAC Liaison Appointments (Ozan Sahin)
     *   Liaison and Alternate to the Customer Standing Committee Selection Process
     *   Liaison to the Root Zone Evolution Review Committee
  2.  Work Items
     *   RSS Security Incident Reporting Work Party Update (Ken Renard)
     *   RSS Messaging (Jeff Osborn)
     *   Guidelines for Changing Root Server Addresses (Duane Wessels)
  3.  Reports
     *   Chair/Vice Chair (Jeff Osborn and Ken Renard)
     *   Liaison to the ICANN Board (Wes Hardaker)
     *   Liaison to the CSC (Ken Renard)
     *   Liaison to the Second IANA Naming Function Review Team (Lars-Johan Liman)
     *   Liaison to the RZERC (Daniel Migault)
     *   Liaison from the IAB (Daniel Migault)
     *   Liaison from the SSAC (Russ Mundy)
     *   Liaison from the IANA Functions Operator (James Mitchell)
     *   Liaison from the Root Zone Maintainer (Duane Wessels)
  4.  Any Other Business (Jeff Osborn)
     *   Next meeting: Tuesday, 2 July 2024 at 14:00 UTC
  5.  Adjournment (Jeff Osborn)

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