[RSSAC Caucus] [SPAM] Re: Security Incident Reporting and c-root incident

Robert Story rstory at ant.isi.edu
Wed May 22 22:23:12 UTC 2024

On Wed 2024-05-22 17:20:13-0400 David wrote:
> If you’re talking about the RSS SIR Working Document, section 4.2 states:
> "Data integrity refers to the "correctness" of the data in responses
> generated by the RSS. […]
> Examples of reportable incidents that affect Integrity:
> * Any part of the RSS serving incorrect data for the root zone”
> Providing stale data would appear to me to be “serving incorrect data for
> the root zone."

I can see that argument, but I can also see an argument that stale formerly
correct data is not as big a deal as unauthorized modification to bad data.
Does stale data from 1 RSO have a 'materially adverse effect' on the RSS?

At any rate, this is exactly why the work party is trying very hard not to
get into the details of every possible scenario and depends on the RSO(s) to
make the call.


USC Information Sciences Institute <http://www.isi.edu/>
Networking and Cybersecurity Division

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