[RSS GWG] Proposed Agenda for RSS GWG Teleconference #2

杨涵喻 yanghanyu at caict.ac.cn
Thu Mar 26 13:08:23 UTC 2020

Hi Carlos and everyone,

I am apology to miss the call last week,which I have set the meeting alert for today instead.But definitely will try to attend the meeting next Thursday.

I have reviewed recording and that was really productive for the information Brad have shared last week. And we can see that 3 years efforts for the RSSAC037/038  of the proposed Governance model for the DNS root server system. Persuing to get more stakeholders for governancing model,ICANN call the registry representatives to get invoved for the governancing process. It is my opportunity to represent RySG to join the working group to know more about the root server system, and it seems there will be long way with everyone here:)

 As mentioned on the scope of proposed model, registries participate more in the TLD operations and DNS resolvers and include the technical organizations and internet service providers. For what I am concerned which is to improve the internet performance due to governancing model  changed. Beside the internet attack as the threat manner, following with the technology development of the cloud\5G and so on, then how RSS should be prepared for that?

Looking forward to see you all next Thursday.

Best Regards

发件人:"Carlos Reyes" <carlos.reyes at icann.org>
发送时间:2020-03-13 01:40:49 (星期五)
收件人: "Verd, Brad via RSSGWG" <rssgwg at icann.org>
主题: [RSS GWG] Proposed Agenda for RSS GWG Teleconference #2

Hello, all.


Below is my proposed agenda for RSS GWG teleconference #2.


I would like to give the RSO representatives the opportunity to guide the RSS GWG through RSSAC037. I will capture any initial feedback from the discussion. Hopefully, this helps the RSS GWG identify questions and initial areas/tracks of work for developing the final governance model. Brad, Hiro, and Liman, I have the standard slide deck that RSSAC has been using, but please let me know if you need anything else.


For teleconference #3 on Thursday 2 April, my intent is to focus on the Concept Paper and the Public Comment submissions. All of these documents are available on the resources page of the RSS GWG workspace: https://community.icann.org/x/75EzBw


Once the RSS GWG chair is selected, my colleagues and I will work with the chair to develop focused agendas for all teleconferences/meetings.




RSS GWG Teleconference #2

Thursday, 19 March 2020 | 22:00 UTC


Proposed Agenda


Call to Order (Carlos)
Attendance (Carlos)
Review RSSAC037 and RSSAC038 (Brad, Hiro, and Liman)
Any Other Business (Carlos)
Adjournment (Carlos)




Carlos Reyes

Strategic Policy Planning Director

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)





手机:+86 13522678997
邮箱:yanghanyu at caict.ac.cn

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