[RSS GWG] December 16th meeting topics

Ted Hardie ted.ietf at gmail.com
Wed Dec 15 14:23:08 UTC 2021

Dear colleagues,

As you will recall, we started the discussion last week of how best to make
progress now that we have received and accepted RSSAC 058.  From my
perspective, we have the following decisions to make:

* Are we going to request substantive adjustments to our membership makeup
and working methods?

* Given the above, what is a realistic timeline for the work plan we can
share with the ICANN board and community?

* Given the updated timeline and the original expectation of a two-year
commitment, are there additional folks who would expect to request that
others be appointed to take on phase two of the work?

As you can see from the above, all of this pretty much gates on what, if
any, adjustments we request to our membership and working methods.
In our previous discussion, I heard two basic approaches, and I believe
there is a third.

The first approach would be to make no changes to the current membership
model or working methods.  The second would be to bring in all the RSOs as
members of the group and to adjust the working methods to require full
consensus.  The third would be to adjust the methods of the working group
to permit observers, with the goal of allowing the RSOs or other
stakeholder groups to observe the proceedings in real time and to give
early feedback via their representatives.

At the meeting tomorrow, I plan to ask the members of the group to reflect
on these choices (or to provide other options), so we can see if we can
come to a consensus on at least the first question.

best regards,

Ted Hardie
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