[RSS GWG] "Homework" from yesterday's call

Wessels, Duane dwessels at verisign.com
Fri Mar 26 22:42:43 UTC 2021

On yesterday's call we went through the status of the draft GWG document.  We ended with a brief discussion of what the outstanding issues were, and for them to be written down.

One thing we talked about yesterday was how the document focuses too much on *how* something should be structured or accomplished, rather than more generally express *what* (or *why*) the GWG would like to see  accomplished.  This arose in the section that describes the relationship between PRS and ICANN.  I would like to ask GWG members to read through the document and identify any other sections where the what/why/how balance could be improved.

As brought up by Brad, Geoff, and others, I agree that we need to figure out what to say about the role of RSSAC in a new governance model.  Broadly speaking there seems to be two options: (1) RSSAC continues to exist more or less as-is and continues as an advisory committee to the ICANN board, or (2) RSSAC's role and functions evolve and transition somehow into or under PRS.  IMO RSSAC itself should also weigh in on this topic.


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