[RSS GWG] GWG Plan for ICANN78

Carlos Reyes carlos.reyes at icann.org
Wed Oct 4 15:26:00 UTC 2023

Sent on behalf of RSS GWG Chair Brad Verd


I would like to encourage everyone to take the “Governance Principles for the Root Server System” [PDF attached] that everyone has contributed to over the past 12 months to your constituencies. We are just about reaching a point of stability on them. So, the point to address any lingering questions is now.

ASK: Please socialize the document with leaders in your organizations. If they want/need more clarification, then that needs to be done as comments in the “interpretation notes” section. It is important to remember and message that the principles as they are expressed in this document is “person years” of negotiation and collaborative efforts. This is not an opportunity to start over, but you and your constituency still have an opportunity to ask questions and add clarity to these principles where needed.

In the last few GWG calls we have uncovered a foundational issue, stakeholderism, that needs to be fleshed out. While we have made good progress over the phone with this topic, it is so fundamental to what we are doing that we need to focus on this during our face-to-face discussions in Hamburg.

With that in mind, below is the proposed schedule for ICANN78. Please note that I had previously messaged that we would have a marathon day, the Wednesday, of ICANN78. There have been developments in the schedule that has broken our day up to now cover the same number of sessions just over two days, Wednesday (two sessions), and Thursday (two sessions).

The proposed schedule has Identifying Stakeholder Communities as our primary topic, and should we make it through that discussion we can move onto next steps. While there has been a number of questions raised in the last few calls most of those topics addressed how we treat stakeholders while we really need to first talk through “WHO” are our stakeholder communities.  We need to settle on “WHO” before we can have any meaningful discussion of treatment and responsibilities.

Please review the proposed schedule for ICANN78 and be prepared to talk it through during our next call tomorrow, October 5th, at 22:00 UTC.

Thank you,

RSS GWG Work Sessions
ICANN78 | Hamburg, Germany

Wednesday, 25 October 2023
Hall Y 11-12

Time (UTC+2)


10:30–12:00   (90 minutes)

  *   Identifying stakeholder communities
     *   What are the principles for identifying stakeholder communities?
     *   What are common characteristics of stakeholder communities? (e.g., operational dependency on the RSS)
     *   What stakeholder communities may exist outside of the ICANN Bylaws/ICANN community?

(120 minutes)

  *   Identifying stakeholder communities (continued)

Thursday, 26 October 2023
Hall D

Time (UTC+2)


(60 minutes)

  *   Identifying stakeholder communities (continued, as necessary)
  *   Next steps

(75 minutes)

  *   Next steps (continued)

Carlos Reyes
Senior Policy Director, Community Operations and Programs
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

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