[RSS GWG] Proposed agenda for GWG teleconference 65

Carlos Reyes carlos.reyes at icann.org
Thu Oct 5 03:43:30 UTC 2023

Hello, RSS GWG.

Below is the proposed agenda for teleconference 65 on Thursday, 5 October 2023 at 22:00 UTC.

To track quorum, please send your apologies to me if you will be absent. Thank you.

Unfortunately, I will be on a flight at this time. You will be in the very capable hands of my colleague, Andrea Glandon. She supported a GWG call last year when I was on a flight as well.


Proposed Agenda

  1.  Call to order and review of agenda (Brad Verd)
  2.  Attendance and administration

     *   Review draft minutes of teleconference 63<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_DieLPisJORAkXCtfQQ4cavQSypUuK3QPz7UDkE6x1c/edit?usp=sharing> and teleconference 64<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rZEfxyhDDYG7KMxmDvqSANEeuLzOdnfpd4AHa9Wn6H4/edit?usp=sharing> (Andrea Glandon)
     *   Reminder to share the Governance Principles for the Root Server System<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HwQ3NvHqESO7mUr6EOeMTyhraOBazptXpVwLbT-git0/edit?usp=sharing> document with appointing organizations and reflect input in “Interpretation Notes” section as comments (Brad Verd)
  1.  Review ICANN78 schedule<https://docs.google.com/document/d/14cIXFyN_-PvvQ_0L0XV9zimFNiommnfCCndJI8KBpMY/edit?usp=sharing> (Brad Verd)
  2.  Review teleconference schedule<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vE4Krte10JSLIeqRb_ijmV6JiPbbObxpVum8_nF-hzc/edit?usp=sharing> for November and December 2023 (Brad Verd)
  3.  Any other business (All)
  4.  Adjournment (Brad Verd)

Carlos Reyes
Senior Policy Director, Community Operations and Programs
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

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