[Rt4-whois] Cartagena meeting - and travel support

Olof Nordling olof.nordling at icann.org
Wed Nov 10 17:20:39 UTC 2010

Dear all,
As agreed during the call today, we will reduce the Sunday meeting for the WHOIS Review Team in Cartagena to two hours, with full remote participation capabilities, and we will cancel the community interaction session on Wednesday. For the Sunday meeting, we have put up a Doodle poll (see separate mail from Alice) to find the most convenient time for both those who attend in person and remotely, so please fill it out from either perspective, as applicable to you.

Now, in light of the limited schedule for the Team in Cartagena, the Team also agreed not to use our budget for travel support for this occasion but rather keep that for future face-to-face meetings. I mentioned briefly some key aspects of the applicable travel support rules for the Team and I take the opportunity here to repeat what's covered for agreed face-to-face meetings:

-          Air (or train) transport to venue, return ticket, economy class (or business class, for substantiated medical reasons), booked thru ICANN's travel agency

-          Directly related reasonable expenses (taxi, public transport, meals etc), refunded against receipts

-          Lodging, either paid directly by ICANN (at ICANN meetings) or refunded against receipts
This is just a very general outline - for detailed information, consult the link I sent out on 1 November at http://icann.org/en/topics/travel-support/draft-travel-support-guidelines-05apr10-en.pdf - and/or contact our constituency travel coordinator, Matt Ashtiani (cc:d).

Very best regards
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