[Rt4-whois] Thank you

Omar Kaminski omar at kaminski.adv.br
Wed Nov 10 17:55:26 UTC 2010

Congrats, Emily!

Sorry for missing the conference call today. I’ve been very busy – and hurt (left shoulder and right arm broken). I’m taking 3 times more to do the usual things.

But I’m reading the emails and following the discussions.

Best wishes from .br,


From: Emily Taylor 
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 3:30 PM
To: rt4-whois at icann.org 
Subject: [Rt4-whois] Thank you

Dear all 

Thank you for electing me to Chair the Whois Review Team.  It is a great honour to have your support, and I will try my best to facilitate a positive outcome.

For those of you who don't know me, I thought it might be useful to give you a little bit of background about where I'm coming from. I was nominated for the Team by the ccNSO, and my candidature was endorsed by the UK Government.  I am an independent consultant, and whilst I have clients within the domain space, I am not supported financially for my work on this Committee. 

I want to reassure everyone that, while I'm happy to share experiences with the Team, I do not represent any particular "side" of the Whois debate.  In fact, my background in working for a registry was to try to find consensus amongst apparently conflicting needs of the various stakeholders.  It is this consensus-building and trying to find common ground that I hope to bring to the role.  Where I want to intervene on a particular issue, I will make it clear that I am speaking in my personal capacity.

On a more practical note, we will have our work cut out to achieve our objectives within the time we have set ourselves.  I think we have made good progress on the Scope of Work, and remind all of us that we offered to develop the draft further through the Wiki.  This should be our first priority.

Thanks to those who volunteered to review the budget.  It would also be helpful if prior to our next call, we individually give some thought to what our financial requirements might be in order to fulfil our Scope.

Another plea from today's call was to organise diary dates for meetings well in advance.  A positive start is the suggestion that we schedule a regular fortnightly slot at the same time.  If we can move ahead and identify a date for London's meeting through a doodle poll, that will also be good news.

Lastly, Wilfried raised some important queries relating to conflicts during today's call.  It is helpful to have the resource that Rod offered of consulting with the ICANN inhouse counsel's team.  I also offer to make myself available to any Team member who would like to talk over a potential conflict, or has any queries, on a confidential basis, if anyone is stuck or would like to discuss an issue.

Kind regards, and thanks again,

76 Temple Road, Oxford OX4 2EZ UK 
telephone: 01865 582 811   mobile: 07540 049 322 
emily.taylor at etlaw.co.uk www.etlaw.co.uk

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