[Rt4-whois] Meeting with Whois Review Team and Rod Beckstrom and Larry Strickling

Smith, Bill bill.smith at paypal-inc.com
Wed Dec 8 20:34:43 UTC 2010


On the original note, I copied Kathy Kleinman, James Bladel, and Willfried Woeber. They are the RT members that were present in Cartagena when we informally discussed attempting to meet with Rod and Larry. I understand that Mikhail Yakushev (copied) has also managed to escape Europe and is now in Cartagena.

It is my understanding that Wilfried intends to participate.


(Mikhail, if you are available at 6pm you are more than welcome - and apologies for not including you earlier.)

On Dec 8, 2010, at 12:24 PM, Denise Michel wrote:

Thanks for clarifying, Bill.  So (just to be clear) although Larry has left, you still want to meet with just Rod in Cartagena?  And this would not be a "Whois Review Team" meeting but rather a meeting with individual Team members who are in Cartagena?

If yes, could you confirm which members would participate and your available time frames.


Denise Michel
Advisor to the President
denise.michel at icann.org<mailto:denise.michel at icann.org>
+1.408.429.3072 mobile
+1.310.578.8632 direct

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 2:34 PM, Smith, Bill <bill.smith at paypal-inc.com<mailto:bill.smith at paypal-inc.com>> wrote:

Please note that this was not a formal request from the WHOIS RT, but rather a personal request that those of us who traveled to Cartagena be able to meet locally with Rod and Larry.

I apologize for any confusion my original note (attached) may have caused.

Best regards,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Smith, Bill" <bill.smith at paypal-inc.com<mailto:bill.smith at paypal-inc.com>>
To: Rod Beckstrom <rod.beckstrom at icann.org<mailto:rod.beckstrom at icann.org>>
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2010 09:40:26 -0700
Subject: Local Meeting w/WHOIS RT Members

I understand and appreciate that you and Larry Strickling were otherwise engaged during the informal WHOIS Review Team meeting on Sunday. I'm sure your time was very well spent and I am not questioning your decision to forego the WHOIS meeting.

However, I am disappointed that the we apparently missed an opportunity to hear from you and Larry and to get your individual and joint perspectives with respect to WHOIS and the objectives you each envisioned for the Review Team. Several of us on the team were looking forward to that conversation and would appreciate efforts to make it happen at another time this week thereby making best use of our time here in Cartagena.

I realize you and Larry are both extremely busy and your schedules are no doubt full. With that in mind, I'll offer to be extremely flexible and agree in advance to meet at a  time and place of your choosing. (I can't make a similar offer for others, but suspect they will be flexible.)

Best Regards,


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