[Rt4-whois] Updated Whois Review Team Agenda

Kathy Kleiman kKleiman at pir.org
Wed Feb 2 15:46:21 UTC 2011

Hi All,
Here's an updated Agenda which I worked through with Emily earlier today.  It includes definitions circulated by the Subteams (tx you!), as well as some planning material/dates people have requested.

Here's a current agenda working draft. Talk to you soon!  Kathy

1.     Minutes of London Meeting - Finalizing and Accepting.

2.     September meeting in Marina Del Ray- Tues/Wed, Sept. 20/21(2 full days)

3.     Meeting In San Francisco -

a.      Sunday, March 13th - Full Day Team Meeting

b.     Monday, March 14th - Possibility of meeting with GAC and ALAC

c.      Tuesday, March 15th - Constituency Day, ccNSO Day, ASO Day: Meeting with as many constituencies, advisory committees and supporting organizations as possible (in half hour sessions)

d.     Wednesday, March 16th - Public Session with ICANN Community (we are requesting a one hour public session at 2pm, but this may be placed at another time on Wednesday).

4.     SUBTEAM REPORTS: Reports of Law Enforcement, Applicable Laws,  Consumer Trust, Producers/Maintainers of Data

a. current status,

b. definition outline of what each Subteam proposes we submit in our public comment period.

               i. Law Enforcement:
"an organization or the activity of an organization all of which are authorized by a nationally or internationally recognized government to maintain, co-ordinate, and enforce  laws, regulations, or multi-national treaty obligations within the internationally recognized authorized boundaries of that nationally or internationally recognized government."

"Please note that I am sending this without having received Lutz's comments, and as such it may be subject to some changes from his end."

               ii. Applicable Laws:
"An agreed understanding for the purpose of WHOIS review:
national laws related to personal data protection and data privacy, implementing internationally recognized legal norms such as the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the U.N. Guidelines for the Regulation of Computerized Personal Data Files."

                              iii. Consumer Trust:
(apologies if I missed an email)

                              iv.  Producers and Maintainers of Whois Data
(seeking to merge with Consumer Trust?)

c. For each Subteam:  What questions do you have for ICANN staff (questions based on London Compliance and/or Policy presentations, any ICANN materials posted to the Whois Wiki, or as needed)?,

d. For each Subteam, what research and support items the Subteam might you need?,

Alice is ready to help subteams with creating Doodle polls and setting up conference bridges for sub-teams (all calls will be recorded and archived unless otherwise requested).

5.     Policy and Implementation - clarify the dividing line.

6.     Additional items or business?

Kathy Kleiman
Director of Policy
.ORG, The Public Interest Registry
Direct: +1 703-889-5756 | Mobile:+1 703-371-6846|  www.pir.org<http://www.pir.org> |

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