[Rt4-whois] Suggested questionnaire for "promotes consumer trust"

Kathy Kleiman kKleiman at pir.org
Sun Feb 20 13:54:35 UTC 2011

Hi All,
Tx for all the work on the proposed questionnaire.  Is this going out as part of our public comment period, as well as by additional distribution paths (e.g., our individual networks, websites, etc?)?

I think there may be a updated version but, with apologies, I could not find it.  So let me share the following thoughts on the attached version:

1.    Emily's edits and questions make sense to me.

2.    I think we should clarify that this involves gTLD data and gTLD registrations (as ccTLDs may differ)

3.    Could we define all acronyms?  E.g., ICT in question 18.  (Acronyms and their meanings differ around the world).

4.    I think we should identify ourselves, the source of the survey, how it will be used, where to provide the answers, deadlines, etc, on the form.

5.    Do we want responders to identify themselves, or at least some general category from which they hail?  If so, I know we have our own privacy/data protection issues to wrestle with. Perhaps some general categories if full identification is not requested (e.g., registrant... ).

Really interesting work, and I truly look forward to seeing the results.
Tx Consumer Trust Subteam!!

From: rt4-whois-bounces at icann.org [mailto:rt4-whois-bounces at icann.org] On Behalf Of Emily Taylor
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 7:47 AM
To: Dr.Sarmad Hussain; Olivier ITEANU; lynn at goodsecurityconsulting.com; Peter Nettlefold; Bill Smith
Cc: rt4-whois at icann.org WHOIS
Subject: [Rt4-whois] Suggested questionnaire for "promotes consumer trust"

Dear all

Following my previous message, I attach my suggestions on how to convert the content of section 2 of the Subteam's paper into a questionnaire.  You'll see that I have put plenty of comments to ask for your views and/or clarification.

I hope this is helpful in assisting us to meet our deadline of Wednesday 24 February for our call for public comment.

Best wishes

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