[Rt4-whois] Note Pod Content from WHOIS-Review

Alice Jansen alice.jansen at icann.org
Wed Apr 13 16:57:49 UTC 2011

This is a copy of the notes displayed in the Adobe room during the call. Kindly note that these are not the final meeting notes and that I am forwarding this to you for your convenience.

A preliminary report will follow.


Peter, James, Omar, Sarmad


: Kim, Lutz, Lynn, Sharon, Emily, Bill, Kathy, Susan, Denise, Michael, Olof, Alice


1.  Law Enforcement:

(SL) (PN) (KK) to review questionnaire, edit/add (if necessary) questions that would be of interest to law enforcement

(SL) to suggest best ways of gathering opinions from law enforcement experts

(DM) to forward link


(KK) (ET) to draft agenda + ideas - will be circulated

(SK) suggestion: convene on Wed or Thurs to discuss the input received and determine next steps

2. Meeting Notes:


3. Outline:

Add paragraph on applicable laws (KK) (LG) to draft

On a different note (DM) to pull out the WHOIS related provisions in registries - registrars contract

(KK) (JB) to translate bulletpoints (ppt) and add policy content to the draft outline

Adopt it for public comment --> next call

Implementation Subteam - resources - suggestions?

4. Issues Paper:

Produce issues paper instead of questionnaire = proposal

Review the document and revert to it - RT Members to circulate feedback on the list

Suggestion: merge outline + discussion paper - potentially at later stage

5. Focus groups - RfP

Consumer trust - determine who consumers are

(LG) proposal reviewed

Briefing on budget process - RfP and evaluation -

Tentatively: next FY - July

(LG) (BS) (KVA) (SK) to work on budget proposal - (conf call)

6. Discussion Applicable Laws (Kathy)

(KK) to kick off discussion on the list
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