[Rt4-whois] Adobe Connect - Note Pod Content from WHOIS-Review - 1 Sept call

Alice Jansen alice.jansen at icann.org
Sat Sep 3 15:40:13 UTC 2011

Dear Review Team Members,

For your convenience, please find enclosed the note pod content of your call held on 1 September.
Kindly note that these are draft notes and that Staff will create a preliminary report.

Kind regards



1. Roll-call, apologies & agenda

2. Adopt preliminary report (17 August)

3. Update on consumer research (Lynn)

4. Further discussion on the gap analysis (Peter, James, all)

5. Staff response to compliance questions (Michele)

6. Update on progress from other sections, and setting deadlines (Sharon, Lynn, Kathy/James, Emily)

7. Keeping track of recommendations

8. Expectations for MdR (All)

9. A.O.B


Emily, Lynn, Sarmad, Peter, Omar, Kim, James, Bill, Susan, Kathy


: Michael, Olof, Sharon


1) Agenda adopted

2) Preliminary report adopted

3) Thanks to Lynn and Staff for contract

Lynn update: Thanks to ON and DM -

Timeline: research divided into 2 phases:

Qualitative research - in-depth interviews - sample of 20 people - video-taped (copy available to Team) - shared with client but not posted on the web - High-level findins of qualitative research and videotape for MdR meeting. Follow-on findings from qualitative phase will be very fruitful. Quantitative will be surveys - number of countries in order to be validated. Had to consider factors in addition to considering geography; e.g. at least 100 people - short expedite timeframe. Commitment final report on quantitative research by the end of Dakar meeting. Drafting of paper for comments prior to Dakar - will have the high level findings. Will have results quantitative to publish for comments and integrate those. Argentina, Brazil, US, Australia, China, India, France, Germany, Spain, South Africa. Constraints in Middle-East... Good global representation.

Kim - thanks to Lynn for efforts -

Lynn: encouraged that this will give us another perspective that won't get from ICANN community - validation

Kathy: gratitude - criteria?

in addition to country, ages, education levels, demographic attributes, look at the ways people use the internet, internet use diversity.

In order to have objective study, make sure include mix domain-name registrants included - contact details available via WHOIS etc... Not attempting to suggest questions but tried to give them enought background for selecting people during their research.

Rigorous selection - attempt to include diversity - on subject matter - expert/ordinary users -

Supplier on agenda of Mdr meeting to present results of qualitative research - dial-in - send report and video-tape in advance.

4) Gap Analysis

Accuracy - ICANN compliance and activities

Flow from beginning to the end - by the end of next week.

Help Peter with notes from ICANN meeting

Members agree that this approach is working.

Peter - happy to respond to comments - Members should feel free to take pen on this one. Emily: Keep comments flowing in - are there elements that need to think about?

A lot of commentay tends to be around accuracy or privacy concept. Compliance difficult to pull it into one section - might be in 2 questions.

Emily: difficult to write section on implementation without raising the gaps.

Expect gap analysis to be quite lively - most controversial. Please send your comment :-) - represents views - 3dimensional approach

Goal: in good shape by the time in

5. Please review the ICANN staff reponses. Bill, James and Susan please send document.

6. Progress

James: gathering exercise mostly covered in SFO - will share draft before MdR meeting. Kathy to help James.

James-Kathy compare presentations to ICANN material.

RySG-WHOIS transcript https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/19300487/Transcript-+Registries+Stakeholder+Group+Afternoon+Session+%282-00+P.M.+TO+4-00+P.M.%29+%281%29.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1313668189000 (page 21)

7. Recommendations

How should recommendations be captured? Suggestions?

James: Placeholders - what test recommendation should contain: enforceable, implementable, no overlap

Peter: Central repository

AJ to work on notes Singapore based on transcript - + to work on recommendation repository.

Use cases -

Kim - by MdR describe other approaches


James - Compliance efforts were focused on registrar activities. Focused on accuracy of WHOIS data. Want to make sure that comprehensive in report - Accessability - availability.

Kathy: thread on purposes of WHOIS. AJ Post documents on WIKI. Peter: thick WHOIS - hoping to include this into registry part.

Susan: wrote a step by step section on consumer. What would consumer do to look up WHOIS and make a recommendation. Lynn: In privacy laws, distinction between individuals and commercial activity - what are the percentages? Privacy is a growing consumer concern. Peter; national privacy law. Kathy: suggestion to add this item to agenda next call. James: concerned that create recommendations of different registrant classes. Bill: consumer unaware of what happens behing the scenes. Emily: How should integrate this on paper?

Lynn: in London difference between privacy and anonymous. This decision on agenda for next call.


MdR - draft cirulated by MdR meeting

Room + dinner day before.

KK + ET to draft an agenda


No A.O.B
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