[Rt4-whois] Expanding team working on survey - timely

Kathy Kleiman kathy at kathykleiman.com
Tue Sep 6 15:01:27 UTC 2011

Hi All,
I wanted to share the good news that today, at least in Virginia, 
children returned to school -- so back to work for the rest of us!

I also wanted to share my key thought after the last meeting -- that we 
should expand the group working with the survey people. While I applaud 
and appreciate the great work Lynn has devoted, the essence of our Team 
approach means that many fingers are involved in shaping our questions 
to the public, our interaction with the public, and our approach to 
others.  So here too -- yet given schedules and summer, this support to 
Lynn has not yet materialized.

Especially on an issue with as many perspectives as consumer trust -- 
the flipsides of privacy and accountability -- it is important for those 
conducting the survey, particularly the detailed in-person questions, to 
hear from multiple people on our Review Team. It will help them better 
understand the nuances and depth of the issues, and prepare better for 
the array of responses they may receive.

Accordingly, I would like to suggest that a few additional people from 
the WRT, particularly those from the subteam who worked with Consumer 
Trust, meet with the survey companies leaders in a teleconference.  I 
would think a meeting of no greater than an hour would be sufficient. I 
recommend this meeting take place as soon as possible, and probably this 

I would like to participate, and would be happy to work to help 
coordinate it.



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