[Rt4-whois] Privacy and proxy definitions in the RAA envorinment

Lutz Donnerhacke lutz at iks-jena.de
Mon Oct 24 15:58:33 UTC 2011


Escrow of Registered Name Holder Data

A Registrar is required to maintain a database of all Whois data for all
Registered Names registered through the Registrar’s accreditation, as well
as all data the Registrar submits to the Registry Operator. In addition, the
Registrar must include in the database the name and (where available) postal
address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number of the
billing contact for each Registered Name.

In some instances, a registrant may choose to limit the amount of personal
information that a Registrar makes available in a Whois query. To do so, the
name may be registered through a privacy service (allowing a registrant to
conceal personal identifying information and often replacing it with the
information of the privacy service). Customers may also choose to register
names through a proxy service, where the proxy service is the Registered
Name Holder, and the proxy service licenses the use of the domain name to
the customer. In that situation, the proxy service, as the Registered Name
Holder, has its information listed for most or all required data points.

When a Registered Name is registered through a privacy or proxy registration
service, that affects the information that is placed in the database, and a
Registrar must do one of two things: The Registrar must either (1) include
in the database the name and postal address, e-mail address, and voice
telephone number provided by the customer in connection with each
registration, even when a privacy or proxy registration is used; or (2) at
the time that a customer elects to use a privacy or proxy registration
service, display a notice that the customer’s data is not being escrowed.
When a customer’s data is not being escrowed, only the contact information
associated with the privacy or proxy registration service will be escrowed.
If a customer’s data is not escrowed, and only the information of the proxy
or privacy service is maintained in the database, in the event of Registrar
or Registry failure future notices may only be sent to the contact
information within the database.

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