[Rt4-whois] Well done and thank you

Emily Taylor emily at emilytaylor.eu
Tue Oct 25 04:59:54 UTC 2011

Hi all

Phew!  Amazing work everyone and especially Bill Kathy and Peter for overcoming your differences and producing such great text overnight. 

It was painful at times, we all lost it at least once but we kept going and can be proud of our achievement on this subject which has dogged the ICANN community forever, it seems. 

There is still much to do. There is a huge editing job gaps in the text etc. But let's take a moment to say well done to ourselves and to each other. We worked hard and kept going. 

Lastly thanks to Alice and Olof for scribing - a very challenging job. 

Great work. Look forward to our next call and then we can figure out how to progress. I'm going to send in a mark up with suggested edits.  Will also draft up a letter for compliance from us. 

That's it from a rainy and dark Charles de Gaulle airport. Have a good week all - I'm off to Ramsgate to walk by the sea with my family and dog for two days. 



Sent from my iPhone

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