[Rt4-whois] Note Pod Content from WHOIS-Review

Alice Jansen alice.jansen at icann.org
Wed Apr 4 21:45:12 UTC 2012

Dear Review Team Members,

Please find enclosed the pod content of your conference call held on 4 April.

Kind regards

WHOIS Policy Review Team Conference call – 20:00 UTC


1. Roll call & apologies

2. Preliminary report (28 March) for your approval – Refer to (AJ)'s email

3. Action items penholders report (refer to https://community.icann.org/display/whoisreview/Action+Items+-+Spring+2012)

 *   Data Accuracy recommendations (SK)

 *   Proxy & Privacy recommendations (SR), (PN), (SK), (JB)

 *   Recommendation 3 & 17 (ET) - reach agreement

 *   Text on accreditation (KK)

 *   IDN recommendations (MY), (KK), (SH), (WW)

 *   Language on timeframes & implementation paths (SK), (LG)

 *   Compliance recommendations (PN), (ET), (BS)

4. Staff report on implementation and tracking

5. Next steps

6. A.O.B


Susan Kawaguchi, Emily Taylor, Omar Kaminski, James Bladel, Michael Yakushev, Seth Reiss, Kathy Kleiman, Bill Smith, Lutz Donnerhacke


Olof Nordling, Alice Jansen, Denise Michel


Peter Nettlefold, Sarmad Hussain


1. Preliminary report adopted

2.  Data Accuracy recs. --> findings ; Emily encouraged Members to ask for clarifications should action items be unclear. Reviewing proposed language for rec. 5 - do we want to include budget implications? 6 months to start implementing - Susan's concern: plan to do that. Expand language: although AoC stipulates 6 months, an interim step should be this comprehensive plan within 3 months. Integrate AoC 6 months + plan should integrate budget implications. Report will be posted for a minimum of 30 days of comments. Analysis + background work go on in parallel. 3 months after comment period or comment period incorporated into 3 months? Note that will also take into account RAA (implementation paths). Helpful to have milestone tracking and clearly articulated work plan (PDP, RAA plan).

Proxy, privacy recommendations

Susan concerned that leaving out recommendation that relationships be disclosed. Susan agrees that accreditation is what ICANN needs but worried that might take long time.  Voluntary practices --> accreditation - Susan's suggestions but do we have support?

Disclosure: no pushback - should include it. Seth + Peter not suggesting voluntary system. Seth's suggestion: leave mandatory/voluntary issue out --> might not reach consensus.

First voluntary - then evaluate (next RT or point in time) whether that was successful.

Still a lot of fact-finding in the policy process.

Bill: who is disenfranchised?

Seth: we are a Review Team - not our job to solve the problem per say.

Not here to make policy. if no agreement reached on mandatory/voluntary - need to go back to findings. Circulate agreed language by the next call.

Rec 3 + 17 - Alice to recirculate recommendations - Members to send comments

Accreditation text - Recommending the expansion of the tools for the compliance team. James: would be helpful to have hierarchy of enforcement. James + Kathy to work on that.

IDN recs. Consensus within subteam needs to be reached first. Circulate draft language prior to the next call

Compliance recs. In correspondance with Denise

3. Staff Report - Staff subject matter experts on the phone - better. RAA negotiations + ongoing studies. Can arrange a walking through recommendations call next week.

Rec 1 - intend is to collect policies rather than create new ones.

Rec 2 - WDRP - fair amount of discussions including in Costa Rica. ICANN currently no contractual authority - staff exploring ways to achieve improvements regarding WHOIS accuracy including items discussed as part of RAA. Note new GNSO consensus policy may be in play on implementation paths.Looking into building compliance tools to measure accuracy.  Compliance changed WDRP 2011 audit

Rec. 3 information shared on how WHOIS currently treated as priority (budget etc).

Rec 4 Articulated outeach activities. New stakeholder outreach program and compliance outreach activities. GNSO recently approved outreach improvements. (Denise to send GNSO's link)

Rec 5 Staff understands undeliverable. Follow NORC study or scale it with market?

Rec 6/7 -

Rec 8 pursuing this goal. Graduated penalties. Part of RAA negotiations. Graduated sanction already in place in RAA

Rec 9 RAA requires that links be posted on website

Rec 10 Staff exploring various mechanisms to have clear, enforceable requirements. Discussed as part of RAA negotiations.

---> Start with Denise on next call.
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