[RZERC] [Ext] Re: openness and transparency

Peter Koch pk at DENIC.DE
Fri Feb 24 11:10:37 UTC 2017

On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 12:59:44AM +0000, Jim Reid wrote:

> No, I suppose we could do that. Though I don't see the need. 
> The thinking here is if we ever have transcripts for whatever reason, they'll be made public - presumably after RZERC has reviewed them first and for instance translated Scottish into English or got "route" changed to "root".

that might need a clarification.  Provided that recordings exist, transcripts
provide additional accessibility much more than additional transparency.
And indeed, transcripts should be proofread, even though the recording
will be "authoritative".

> No. It's a complete recording. I think the audio would only need to be reviewed if someone thinks a recording was doctored in some way or contradicted the minutes.

No bleeps?

> It obviously wouldn't make sense to go into executive session to discuss something sensitive/confidential if the outcome of that session got published. If we did go into ES during a regular conf call, it'll be awkward to keep that stuff out of the routine public record. So those discussions would be best done in a discrete meeting which may or may not include ICANN support staff, depending on the topic. Minutes of an ES would be kept and approved somehow. That'll be implementation detail for the RZERC Chairman.

I support this.


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