[SOAC-Leaders-ICANNMeeting-Planning] Update on ICANN61 Adobe Connect Issues - ICANN

David Olive david.olive at icann.org
Thu Mar 15 10:32:32 UTC 2018


Update on ICANN61 Adobe Connect Issues

I wanted to provide you with a brief update on the issue with our Adobe Connect services.

The issue is one that could possibly lead to the disclosure of the information shared in an ICANN Adobe Connect room. We are still investigating the root cause of the issue. We have formulated different scenarios based on authentication, encryption, and software versions, which we are testing in a controlled fashion in attempt to replicate and understand the root cause of the issue.

We are working directly with Adobe and with our cloud service provider to learn more.

As a reminder, we continue to offer Livestream video, multilingual audio, and live scribe feeds in the main meeting rooms at ICANN61. We are also accommodating questions and comments via email.

For now, the investigation continues and I’ll keep you updated as we learn more.

  *   ICANN Blog
  *   Author: Göran Marby

Sent from my iPhone

David A. Olive
Senior Vice President
Policy Development Support
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

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