[SOAC-Leaders-ICANNMeeting-Planning] [So-ac-sg-cleaders] [Ext] Re: INPUT PLEASE: ICANN Fellowship Program Community Consultation

Ergys Ramaj ergys.ramaj at icann.org
Wed Mar 21 23:00:28 UTC 2018

Dear Heather,

Absolutely. We will extend the deadline for everyone and update the webpage accordingly.


On Mar 21, 2018, at 6:54 PM, Heather Forrest <haforrestesq at gmail.com<mailto:haforrestesq at gmail.com>> wrote:

Dear Ergys,

On behalf of the GNSO, may I please seize the opportunity of the one week extension you have offered?

Many thanks,

Heather Forrest

On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 8:27 AM, Ergys Ramaj <ergys.ramaj at icann.org<mailto:ergys.ramaj at icann.org>> wrote:
Dear Rod,

Many thanks for the question. I suspect others on this thread will also benefit from the clarification.

The intent is to collect feedback from each SO/AC/SG/C rather than individual members from those groups. This will ensure that any resulting changes reflects the guidance provided by the community structures.

Would a one week extension help?


On Mar 21, 2018, at 4:50 PM, Rod Rasmussen <rod at rodrasmussen.com<mailto:rod at rodrasmussen.com>> wrote:


I want to be clear on what the intent is here since the ask is not explicit that I can tell.  Are you looking for each SO/AC to provide their feedback as an SO/AC as a whole, or are you looking for us to disseminate this to our respective members so they can contribute individually?  Reading between the lines, I'm concerned that it's the former, and with only 10 days notice, I don't think any SO/AC could turn around a consensus opinion on this - I know SSAC won't be able to.  I'm sure individuals who have been tracking this situation will have plenty of good insight to share, but of course, cannot speak for each group, just as individuals associated with a group.

Thank you in advance for your clarification to me on this, and apologies for being dense - I just want to make sure I've got this right.


Rod Rasmussen
SSAC Chair

On Mar 20, 2018, at 10:01 AM, David Olive <david.olive at icann.org<mailto:david.olive at icann.org>> wrote:

And with the attachment.

My apologies.   Regards         David

David A. Olive
Senior Vice President
Policy Development Support
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

From: David Olive <david.olive at icann.org<mailto:david.olive at icann.org>>
Date: Tuesday, March 20, 2018 at 12:49 PM
To: SOAC-Leaders-ICANNMeeting-Planning <soac-leaders-icannmeeting-planning at icann.org<mailto:soac-leaders-icannmeeting-planning at icann.org>>, "so-ac-sg-cleaders at icann.org<mailto:so-ac-sg-cleaders at icann.org>" <so-ac-sg-cleaders at icann.org<mailto:so-ac-sg-cleaders at icann.org>>
Cc: Ergys Ramaj <ergys.ramaj at icann.org<mailto:ergys.ramaj at icann.org>>, Sally Costerton <sally.costerton at icann.org<mailto:sally.costerton at icann.org>>
Subject: INPUT PLEASE: ICANN Fellowship Program Community Consultation

Dear Community Leaders:

With the discussion at ICANN61, here is an opportunity for your inputs on the Fellowship Program.

Questions about the program and responses to the questionnaire should be sent to fellowshipconsultation at icann.org<mailto:fellowshipconsultation at icann.org> by 30 March 2018.


Dear Community Leaders:

We're launching a community-wide consultation on the Fellowship Program to help inform its future direction.

The attached paper provides an overview of the program, including a breakdown of the data available on the Fellows, a questionnaire, and other details about the consultation process.

We anticipate that there will be interest in further discussing this process and our team will be available to speak with community groups about the current Fellowship Program and the questionnaire at ICANN61 or remotely. Questions about the program and responses to the questionnaire should be sent to fellowshipconsultation at icann.org<mailto:fellowshipconsultation at icann.org> by 30 March 2018.

Grateful if you could share this informationso that each community group is aware of and has the opportunity to participate in the consultation.


Ergys Ramaj
Sr. Director, Public Responsibility Support, ICANN

<ICANN Fellowship Program Community Consultation .pdf>
<ICANN Fellowship Program Community Consultation [1].pdf>_______________________________________________
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