[SOAC-Leaders-ICANNMeeting-Planning] Call for ICANN62 Topic Proposals - Due by 12 April

Tanzanica S. King tanzanica.king at icann.org
Fri Mar 30 02:27:42 UTC 2018

Dear Community Leaders and Representatives:

The Session Topic Proposal Form is now open for submissions at https://icann.wufoo.com/forms/session-topic-proposal-form/.

  *   Submission Deadline: Thursday, 12 April 2018
A comprehensive report of proposed topics will be sent out on Friday, 13 April.

  *   Production Call #2 (Review and Select Topics): Thursday, 19 April 2018

The proposal form now requires users to select a session type. The session type will indicate the expected level of community participation in session development which will help us to identify the "cross-community" sessions vs. topic sessions facilitated by a single group. The form also allows users to indicate a longer (180 min) duration for a Cross Community Topic Session if desired. Currently, the longer duration is not an option for a HIT session, however, this is flexible, so it shouldn't be the cause for any concerns. (If a HIT for 180 min is preferred, please include a note in the comments section.)

Session Types

Cross Community Topic Session: A session on an important topic of interest which encourages community involvement and participation from all groups; Session is facilitated by at least two or more SO/AC/SG/C groups.

High Interest Topic Session: A session on an important topic of interest led by a single SO/AC/SG/C group.


  *   ICANN62 Schedule Production Calendar
  *   ICANN62 Block Schedule [PDF]
  *   ICANN62 Block Schedule [XLSX]

Best regards,


Tanzanica S. King
Sr. Manager, Meeting Strategy and Design

Office   +1 310 301 5800
Mobile  +1 310 995 3038
Email    king at icann.org<mailto:king at icann.org>
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