[SubPro-IRT] Topic 2: Predictability

Lars Hoffmann lars.hoffmann at icann.org
Mon Jul 3 16:52:13 UTC 2023

Dear members of the IRT,

Please find herewith a link to the draft Predictability Framework<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-D-Xan1Z99kkimsRFCPqPvpODL-Z-XUSzqqIMTOUpL0/edit>, based on the Board-adopted recommendations in Topic 2 of the Final Report<https://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/file/field-file-attach/final-report-newgtld-subsequent-procedures-pdp-02feb21-en.pdf> as well as its accompanying Annex E.

Following our 22 June 2023 email<https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/subpro-irt/2023-June/000051.html>, we propose three categories for the Framework: minor operational, non-minor operational and policy changes. As a reminder, the GNSO Council has informed us that it will develop the SPIRT’s Charter, including decision-making and membership. I am sure Anne and Susan will be able to provide more details once the Council has started this work.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out on-list.

Best wishes. Lars

Draft Predictability Framework via GoogleDrive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-D-Xan1Z99kkimsRFCPqPvpODL-Z-XUSzqqIMTOUpL0/edit

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