[SubPro-IRT] Work Plan is way too conservative and we need to do better......

Sam Lanfranco samlanfranco at gmail.com
Tue May 23 19:19:49 UTC 2023


While I might be something of an Internet Elder, starting with 
hand-built DOS 1.0 machines, dial-up modems, low earth orbit satellites 
(LEOS), and with policy development experience, I am a novice when it 
comes to judging the possible paths and speed of the task before us.

I want to thank Jeff for his thoughtful analysis and work strategy 
suggestions. While I cannot comment on timelines, I too will urge us to 
consider strategies to move faster, but for other reasons.

As an economist and as I become familiar with what might roll out as 
elements of Web 3 and Smart Pages, I have a growing suspicion that there 
will be a decline in interest (and competition) for generic TLDs. Brand 
TLDs will likely still be in demand under whatever terms those might be 
subject to. Overall, if my suspicions are right, the era of strong 
competition for gTLDs may be coming to an end. Brand TLDs won’t generate 
registration revenues like the earlier gTLDs. I may be wrong but I think 
that diminishing marginal returns will set in, and ICANN will have to 
adjust to that.

Sam Lanfranco


Sam Lanfranco, Prof Emeritus, York University, Internet Ecologist & Farmer;
Web23.io; AshPiedmont Farm, South Bay, Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada
P:613-476-0429  C:416-816-2852  E:samlanfranco at gmail.com    Lanfran at yorku.ca
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