[SubPro-IRT] Work Plan is way too conservative and we need to do better......

Sam Lanfranco samlanfranco at gmail.com
Wed May 24 12:54:27 UTC 2023

Following up on Mike Rodenbaugh’scomment that “/This IRT group is 
supposed to implement policy, not revisit and make policy”, /*m**aybe* 
the group should assign someone (staffor group member) as a “/line 
referee/” to act as an interlocutor with the responsibility of reminding 
us when we seem to drift too far into the policy woods.

Sam L.

Sam Lanfranco, Prof Emeritus, York University, Internet Ecologist & Farmer;
Web23.io; AshPiedmont Farm, South Bay, Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada
P:613-476-0429  C:416-816-2852  E:samlanfranco at gmail.com    Lanfran at yorku.ca
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