[SubPro-IRT] Work Plan is way too conservative and we need to do better......

jeff at jjnsolutions.com jeff at jjnsolutions.com
Wed May 24 13:54:01 UTC 2023

That is the role of the GNSO Liaison(s).  The GNSO Council is meeting  
at 05:00 UTC tomorrow and I believe on the agenda will be a discussion 
on the selection of 1 or more Council Liaisons.

------ Original Message ------
>From "Sam Lanfranco" <samlanfranco at gmail.com>
To "John Gbadamosi" <john at mediarightsagenda.org>; "Mike Rodenbaugh" 
<mike at rodenbaugh.com>
Cc "subpro-irt at icann.org" <subpro-irt at icann.org>
Date 5/24/2023 8:54:27 AM
Subject Re: [SubPro-IRT] Work Plan is way too conservative and we need 
to do better......

>Following up on Mike Rodenbaugh’s   comment that  “This IRT group is 
>supposed to implement policy, not revisit and make policy”, maybe the 
>group should assign someone (staff or group member) as a “ line referee 
>” to act as an interlocutor with the responsibility of reminding us 
>when we seem to drift too far into the policy woods.
>Sam L.
>Sam Lanfranco, Prof Emeritus, York University, Internet Ecologist & Farmer;
>Web23.io; AshPiedmont Farm, South Bay, Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada
>P:613-476-0429  C:416-816-2852  E:
>samlanfranco at gmail.comLanfran@yorku.ca
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